A source told the National Enquirer magazine: "Alicja's parents in Poland met Colin and liked him a lot. But they are Catholic and very old fashioned. They are putting pressure on Colin to make her an honest woman as soon as possible."
Although Colin is in love with the 26-year-old actress, the Hollywood hunk doesn't want to be forced into marrying her.
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SOURCE: http://newsblaze.com/story/2009100322010500002.ba/topstory.html
I hate to say it but the National Enquierer is the one tabloid in the U.S. which is often right. They broke the John Edwards baby story. I've never been to Poland but I had the impression conservative Catholic families there (like here) would be upset about an illegitimate baby so I've been thinking ABC is in the hot seat with her family. I still hope and don't think Colin will give in to pressure if he doesn't think marriage is right for him yet. ABC and her family should be glad he's willing to participate at all. Yes - I know. His fault too but I still say she is too f*cking old to get accidentally pregnant. All the women I know had birth control covered in their teens.
ReplyDeleteYou must be joking...
ReplyDeleteThe National Enquierer is anything BUT reliable!!
Personally,i think they broke up but time will tell...
How Can i put this nicely?.....if you have to force a fella to marry you [even when your pregnant with his child ] then he just does not want to marry you in the first place.Also if you do force him into it ,trust me you will eventually end up alone with a child.
ReplyDeleteAgreed 10:54 I've always wondered why women would force a guy into marriage. The balance of the relationship is messed up from the start. Anything goes wrong and he's got the instant "I didn't want to do this f*ck off" argument in the bag. As well what will her grown child think about this years from now. People just don't think about consequences. I do have sympathy for her and believe this was an accident. She had Colin and a good advance in her career. I think it's dumb but really the poor girl. Publicly seen as begging a guy to marry her because her parents are mad. At 26??? Ouch.
ReplyDeleteI bet they already split and that a few weeks/months from now an official statement will be issued saying they broke up because Colin didn't want to commit...
ReplyDeleteI dont have sympathy for abc, two yrs with the ex boyfriend and then preg with colin so soon,who is anybody kidding. I think she was a you girl in love, but old enough to have understood the consquences and to have protected herself. Colin is also at fault, this has happened to him before. I hope he doesn't give in to the pressure if the national enquire can be believed. They are not the most reputable mag out there by any means. Occassionally get good leak after paying out big money. Colin is a gentleman he will handle this as respectfully as he can, and love this child.
ReplyDeleteI hope Colin won't give in to pressure to marry if that's what's going on. If he hasn't gone off her already, that will do it for sure.
ReplyDeleteNOW!!! abc holds the bible banner, are you kidding. She should have thought about that a few months ago.
ReplyDeleteI ment several months ago
ReplyDeleteEamon refused to comment on the ABC pregnancy. How sad for him- he wants his marriage to be official everywhere and his little brother has this silly girl trying to force him in to one he doesn't want... must feel really unfair. But really makes you think. Two beautiful people in love want to be married and are denied. Disgraceful. I hope people wake up on this issue soon.
ReplyDeleteStoic Catholic parents. How convenient.
ReplyDeleteI don't think pressure on him from her or her parents will matter. I think if CF's mom and sisters were pressuring him, maybe he'd give in to a marriage he doesn't want... assuming there is even really marriage talk... and assuming he doesn't want it. We really know nothing other than that she is pregnant. Maybe he's in love. We don't know.
He looked in love in the first few pics but as my best guy friend said: nothing permanently kills a new love faster than hearing the words I'm pregnant before you want to. I know. I know. Maybe he wanted to have a baby. I hope he never had dreams of a traditional family. You know. Love, marriage, a bunch of kids growing up together with two parents in one home.
ReplyDeleteAlicja will forever be known as the woman who tried to force Farrell into marriage whether she wins or not. Big ops.
ReplyDelete7:47 And unfortunately for her that reputation as "the woman who tried to force Farrell into marriage" could all be made up tabloid nonsense. He's stuck between a rock and hard place now. What IF he REALLY does want to marry her? No one will believe it. And if there is no marriage and never was going to be one, people will believe she tried to force him and failed, just because the tabloids said it, even if it's not true.
ReplyDelete813 exactly. Perception is everything in the internet age. I personally doubt whatever infatuation he felt in the beginning has survived the surprise pregnancy (I don't think this was planned by the two of them) and even if he does love her and want to marry her the tabloids say she is pressuring him to marry her and it looks bad for her. She can't win pr wise now unless he gets on bended knee and begs her in public to marry him ... maybe a couch jumping thing on Oprah like Tom Cruise did could save her.
ReplyDelete"Eamon who declined to comment on reports that Colin's girlfriend Alicja is pregnant..."
ReplyDeleteNow i'm 99,9% sure... Trouble in paradise!!
Why are you 99.9% sure? What was he supposed to say?
ReplyDeleteWait, what am i missing? Eamon wasn't mentioned in the newsblaze article link, is there another article?
ReplyDeleteYes there was.
ReplyDeleteHere it is...
http://www.herald.ie/entertainment/around-town/colin-was-dead-right-to -tackle-the-rude-snapper-who-insulted-our-sister-reveals-big-brother-e amon-1887623.html
And the reason i'm 99,9% sure that they broke up or having difficulties is because he could have responded in a far more positive way...
I mean,we all know she's preggers,Colin confirmed the news himself.
So why be so silent and secret about it?
Why not say how happy you are for them,how thrilled you are to become an uncle again?
But of course,that's just my opinion...
I must admit I’m agreeing with a lot of you on this one. The whole situation is not being handled particularly well by Colin or Alcija. By keeping such low, to the point of non-existent profile, they are in actual fact creating a lot of negative attention, which can't be a good sign.
ReplyDeleteSurely they should be happy to be seen out and about with the baby bump proudly on display, but as they appear to have disappeared, it‘s little wonder people have begun to ask the question why?
Also it may have gone some way in helping to convince ABC's family that they are in a committed and strong relationship, or at least making the best of the situation and giving it a serious go? But all this privacy cloak and dagger shit when you’ve already announced to the world you’re expecting a child together, it’s doesn’t make any sense. How can you expect the paps to suddenly NOT be interested after such an airport performance followed by an international announcement at TIFF then followed by a complete non-show of the leading lady of the film and finally followed by completely nothing? Hate to say it, but something just isn’t adding up here?!
Colin's alive! I found new photos:
I think this woman is Claudine. :)
Thank you so much Anna, I've posted the link on the Home Page : - ) x
ReplyDeletewhen and where were the pictures taken, does any know. Colin again looks stressed.
ReplyDeleteOut and about with Claudine and again no sign of his "fiancé"...
ReplyDeleteAre we entirely sure these photos are really new?
ReplyDeleteYeah, the Polish tabloid hosting these photos don't seem to realize that's his sister. Here's what they wrote (of course, poorly translated):
"I never counted on the fact that Colin Farrell would be faithful to Alice Bachledzie-Curus. We had the faint hope that perhaps even until birth impose a leash on your drives. Unfortunately. The foreign press is the photo Colin emerged from the hotel tryst with the stranger. Apart from the unreasonableness of the situation, we do not certainly include someone at Ali. It's like a change from a Mercedes to a baby! "
Ug. ABC is the worst thing ever happened to Colin. I hope he refuses the pressure to marry.
ReplyDeleteBut we don't know if any of these stories even have any truth in them. They just keep getting more and more outrageous on the Polish tabloids. Here's a new one. How would they know ANY of this??
She and her family are using the situation for publicity and hoping the press outside of Poland pick it up. Colin really stepped in a huge pile of sh*t with this loser.
ReplyDelete9:39 her family is silent, totally silent so I don't think you're right. It's all just tabloids talking. I think that if she liked attention she would go to Ivy or place like that with her girlfriends and surely someone would have recognized her right?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 12:25 AM,
ReplyDeleteI agree with you.
Me also thinks they've split...
These tabloids are just making up stuff because they haven't seen or heard anything from her/them in a very long time.
Two words pop into mind when i'm thinking about this hole ABC/pregnancy situation: Kim Bordenave.
Things were going the exact same way then as they are going now...
1027 She would have to wear a sign saying Colin Farrell's baby mama #2 to get recognized at the Ivy. And then everyone would have a laugh and move on to the Kardashians or Blohan. Girls like ABC are a dime a dozen in Hollywood.
ReplyDelete...he's a good guy...
ReplyDeleteRead the celebrity sighting under the post of the girl in the animal print shirt
"A little celebrity sighting for those who don't live in LA.. my mom and leaving the hospital yesterday afternoon after meeting our newest family memeber. I noticed a perfectly grungy guy lurking the hallways, standing rather close to the wall with his head down hiding behind a hat. He looked up at me in a.."Yeah I'm totally hot and totally famous and don't want to be seen, but you see me right?" kind of way. And then he got on the elevator, held the door for us and rode it down. It was Colin Farrell"
Wow..has the baby been born? hmmm??
So maybe,just maybe ABC wasn't with him at TIFF because she has a difficult/high risk pregnancy and has to stay in hospital,or he was spotted alone because they've split?
She didn't look far enough along in the damn airport photos to already be having this poor baby. Maybe they're taking birthing classes together. I don't really see Colin at her side doing the breathing and massaging, but ya never know. I hope he's ok. I know I know his fault and he's an a**hole to most of you but I think he got trapped and this isn't a small thing.
ReplyDeleteA# OCT 9 @ 4.44 PM
ReplyDeleteI wonder indeed... thanks for sharing ; - )
Also..he's backed out of the Rome film fest next week. Something is up.
ReplyDeleteHow do you know he's not going to Rome? Is this "official" news?
ReplyDeleteI pray the latest rumor isn't true. Where is this hospital and not going to Rome thing coming from? Does anyone know???
ReplyDeleteI'm beginning to think someone is spreading an awful rumor for fun ..? Would anyone go that far, really?
ReplyDeleteAnnon 10:01 the hospital sighting came from the website listed in that post www.lovemaegan.com and someone on IMDB said their cinema professor is schedule to be at the festival and got word he'd cancelled.
ReplyDeleteA film professor said he won't be there? How would he know? This is crazy. Thanks for the info though.
ReplyDeleteThe professor is also scheduled to do work at the festival and must have received some updates of who is attending. Colin had planned to attend and already had his suite booked and the press conference was set up. But now word is he's cancelled. I guess we'll see in a few days if this is true. He was scheduled to be the opening film.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I'm worried about them now. I hope everyone is ok.
ReplyDeleteTry not to worry, I'm sure everything is fine
ReplyDelete: - )