Saturday, November 21, 2009


Seems to be a lot of 'rumours', circulating on the Polish sites that Colin and Alicja are about to have new son Henry, baptised in mama's home country. If anyone knows any more on this, please post here.


  1. I think these baptising rumours are a huge fake. Just like their relationship.

  2. just like pregnancy was? I don't know about this baptisting rumours maybe they're fake maybe not and maybe they're no longer together but for now there is absolutely nothing there what would indicate that they broke up.

  3. Apart from no recent photos apart from one where be wasn't that interested in her, and a consistant lack of him even mentioning her by name?


  5. Yeah - that's a common article doing the rounds right now. Given the fact that Colin has already promised himself to his brother's reception at the same time, we'll have to wait and see what happens.

  6. you know what? I don't know what's going on in his private life but I can't blame him for not saying anything about her it is pretty strange situation specially when you want to be private as much as you can. Polish gossip sites just write stuff which some is part truth and some is just total bogus and we don't know what is what untill it happens I just remember quote from the worst polish tabloid from August when someone said that she is 7 m pregnant and he met her parents and it looks like it was actually truth, but still it doesn't prove a thing.I just want to say that Cracow and Dublin are like 1 hour flying distance apart so it's not a big problem.

  7. Really? That close? I didn't know. I think colin will take jimmy to dublin,spend the 24th there and probably go to poland on the 25th to the baptism.And he will have to be back in Dublin to eamon's party on the 29th.
    Some tabloid said he will have to go back to poland early january to the opening of ondine.
    So it is good the two towns are that close.
    I don't think he will want to spend too much time in Poland. People there don't like him a lot, do they? hahahahahahaha
    Will alicja follow him all the time or just stay in poland waiting for him? Who knows?
    I really think that if they are still together or not depends on Alicja's patience to Colin's unwillingness to commit. If she accepts it and doesn't pressure him, he will stay around. If not... FERB

  8. It's more like 3hrs between the two.

  9. Ondine is not being shown in Poland.

  10. Ferb, in Poland second day of Christmas in 26th. We celebrate from 24th (evening) to 26th. That's why everbody loves Christmas. :)
    And I read that "Ondine" is planned for 9th January.

  11. Cracow and Dublin are close departure in Cracow at 1145, arrival in Dublin 1335 so it's not a problem.

  12. Thanks Anna. So it seems both families reached a compromise. That is a good sign of peace. Better for henry, without a doubt.
    I wonder if claudine will be the godmother, if it is true that thadeus will be the god father.
    Jordan will probably premiere ondine at the dublin festival in february and try a go on distribuitors to the rest of the world again.
    I hope not. I don't like colin's acting on this movie.

  13. I just googled Ondine's premiere date for Poland and nothing came up. So if it was there, it looks like it has been dumped.

    They say here that the movie will not be shown in Poland:

  14. he had great reviews after Toronto for ondine much batter than for triage so I hope we'll be able to see that movie.

  15. I found it here. This is rather reliable source for me:,23804,,Ondine,,131392924,2925.html

  16. What "people" in Poland don't like Colin? Another rumor that's untrue ... I am from Poland and I like the fact that his child is half-Polish.


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