They look awfulllll...they need urgently some sleep. I guess she hasnt seem the JR interview otherwise she would not have been there...She should have some dignity I am so sorry for her. I am disappointed by him..He has so much to learn... dress better and treat women with respect. HG
I like the way she looks in this dress , much classier than the other one. And her hair and make up are much better too.The shoes not so much. Colin could have washed his hair???? But the black suit is better than that hiddeous metal grey?? he wore on the premiere. I am happy he won!!! C O N G R A T S !!!!!!It his first time winning isn't it? Ferb
What Polish site? Anyone have a link? Just sayin the Polish sites have been somewhat unreliable and they rush to make statements to promote ABC which are later proven to be wrong. I hear it from his mouth on video or it didn't happen. :p
Gosh, why are you so harsh on this girl. You blame her for all the bad things and criticize her for almost every aspect of her life. Stop being so judgemental. Write about Colin if you say it's a blog about him.
*Write about Colin if you say it's a blog about him.* We do but ABC fans come here instead of going to HER blog and posting. They're the ones that have turned this into the ABC/CF blog.
3:57 unfortunately the comments here are hardly about Colin apart from ABC. I'm tired of her due to it. Of all threads, this one maybe could've been about his award- but nooooooooo!
There's an after interview and he says he was on auto-pilot when he made his speech. He couldn't remember what he said and asked the reporter if it was okay. Then he says he's back on the ground. Love his humility.
Weren't there some actors nominated who are not Irish? Thought so...
He doesn't even look like the same guy from GG which was a month ago. I can't believe how skinny both of them became... lots of sex, or just a lot of running around for a 4 month old??
So how could anyone say that he does not love Alicja? I don't believe he has ever thanked the woman of his life in a speech before. It's obvsious in this video that they are a family. it's fun to make fun of and insult them, but the truth is, they are in love.
*just a lot of running around for a 4 month old??* Then I'm guessing that have a very skinny Nanny (or team of Nannies). Exactly why/how does one "run around" for a 4-month old? It can't walk yet and I doubt its even crawling at this point. *eye roll*
I was very sceptical about their relationship but 11;28 is right at least since amelia (what makes 10 years) he didn't and it's not only the way he spoke but how he behave... I'm not obessed so I just can accept that they are together and who knows how long they'll last but this relationship is real and I envy them ....;P it is pretty romantic I must say .;P he was sweet and there is no argue with the facts so let it be and anjoy next photos :) next stop :oscars
@2:48. Agree. Her smile seems so forced and she looks sad to me. I think they're already over and are exhausted from going through the motions. I'm glad he thanked her. It would've been terrible if he didn't. They do have a child together after all and he is a decent guy - liposuction joke aside. :)
no no I'm sorry but he loves her you will see God! I can't believe I actually say it but I honestly think it's truth. She broke him, he's broken he's now daddy with home and soccer practice. Joke about lipo was during interview on the red carped ... interview which was sctually really sweet and see yourself it was a joke seriously nothing more...
Guys what do you think about this video,to me it looks like she was pissed,I think he was pointing for the cameras and she didn't like that.
She always looks pissed at something. They are just such a mismatch to me. He's full of life and personality and every interview I see her in is so boring. We'll see in the future if they misread lust for love. Which I think they did. But..we'll see. Let's check back in about 6 months or a year maybe.
3:59 She did the same thing to him at the GG,the umbrella incident,she said she'll be in pre production for her new movie by the end of March,let's see if he follows her to Europe or will stay in LA.He won't be filming till June-July.
Matt Dillon is a pig come on man! She has a boyfriend who is actually talking to her from the stage and you are trying to score??!! Seriously?! What with all the touching it is obvious that she doesn't like that ... awfull I hate when man behave like that, like you are so small and sweet girl I'll hug you :/ bleh
I'm sorry you're right it wasn't Dillon but it was awfull I really feel sorry for her it's never nice when some old little drunk guy decides that you need protection :/ maybe it was second producer of ondine it looks like they were all sitting at ondine table so.... he doesn't look like any of his agent (I think) maybe her agent but i don't think so.
Maybe they all know something we don't and the guy, who she probably worked with on Ondine, was trying to be comforting in a sweet genuine way. She looked like she needed a little reassurance.
Check this: She is trying to hard to speak good english...her face looks funny I do not know if It was the hair or the make up...I am still thinking her face look the face for a travesti at this festival. HG
I'm sorry but it's silly now facts are facts of course there is always possibility that sun is green why not? Give them a break they re normal couple nd tht's it, and if not they will just make very very big idiots of themselfs when it comes out, don't think Ondine is worthy all that game to be honest...
6:50 - agree about some people being obsessive - some are getting quite scary !! :-o It's interesting how we all have our own take on reality. Congrats to Colin for the award. He seemed nervous - obviously meant a lot to him. I though his comment to Alicja about bringing beauty into his life was just lovely. I would love to have that sort of comment made to me. I didn't think her smile was forced - I think she looked a little embarrassed, which is understandable at a public function. Gee some people here are a very hard crowd to please...
it's not like he won a lot of things like that in the past so I didn't know how nervous it makes him but this and golden globe are 100% nervous and oscar one day will be something;p
Aries girl - how could anyone say he DOES love her? Especially after that speech. You do not refer to your lover by her (almost) full name. The way that he treats her is as if she is at most a friend, and the same from her. There just seems to be no sexual chemistry between them. The same time last year (roughly).
4:50 Sure you do,she was also his co-star in the movie he won an award for.I guess everyone has a different take on their relationship,but some of you dissect every picture and every word.
Why would you bother being so formal and professional to your so-called lover and mother of your child when everyone knows about the relationship you had with her? If there was a need to keep the relationship a secret then I could understand that kind of attitude. However their secret is out so there is no need for that kind of attitude. I can't think of a single time where an acting couple both starred in the same movie, one of them received an award for their role, and then referred to their 'partner' so formally in their acceptance speech. It's just not normal. Most of the time when the partner gets mentioned it's usually like 'my wonderful partner - (first name)'.
As the old sayng goes - 'the Devil is in the details'.
My guess is that they have probably both already moved on.
STOPPPP annoying everybody here...Are you Alicja's brother, cousine or what??????? and what do you think about the JR interview he loves her soooooo much...that he "FELL LIKE"...accept it.When JR said to him the young women in the movie...COlin could reply this young woman her name is Alicja Bachleda-Curus..but he did not say nothing. There is something going on there...she looks happy at the speech because I think she could not believe what he said. HG
When colin won the golden globe he said Thanks to my publicist, danica smith , who I trully love. I don't know, but it is weird colin kissed his partner cheek so briefly , and embraced the stage girl so happily .It feels like they don't want to share whatever goes on between them with the public. They play word games all the time. I have no clue why.That is why we keep thinking they are hiding the break up. I heard a rumour, long ago , alicja had dated one of the ondine producers. Could he be that horribly incovenient guy? FERB
5:55 take it easy!! Alicja in her interview (Dzien Dobry TVN)called him "my man", "Mr Colin" "boy". And what is that mean?? That she doesn't love him?? Don't be funny :)
Part her interview: "Q: Czy można powiedzieć czy to było uczucie,takie miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia??
A: Wiesz co nie wiem myślę, że to czy to była miłości od pierwszego wejrzenia, czy przeświadczenie o nieuchronności zdarzeń, czy o nieuchronności miłości która przyjdzie....coś w tym stylu"
She sad it long ago that - It wasn't love at first sight. Colin sad nothing new ... And they are not the first and the last. And that is not mean that they don't fell love now.
Anna, she lied whenever she said she was breastfeeding Henry. It is a little hard to breastfeed your kid when he is in a different country. Now she may have stored up a supply of breastmilk, or be using a combination of breastmilk and formula - but I doubt it. Most new mothers have trouble supplying enough milk just to cover their baby's daily needs - let alone enough to store and save for a week. Stored breastmilk does not last for long either, even when in the fridge. Henry is probably on formula. It's the only way he could be away from his mother for so long and still get fed.
Well, I'm sure they were in Mexico for a day considering how quick it is to get there from L.A... It's possible with how quickly they went to Ireland for the festivities that they were only there for a few days, but I'm sure Henry was in Ireland too, they are just protecting him from the public, So I bet that she was breastfeeding him...unless he was born in June like I have been saying and not October, then he would be off of breast milk already, unless she's Amish and breastfeeds until he's 12.
Also, dude or maim who said there are crazies on the site that come up with their own distorted truth because they are obsessed...can you be more specific as to who these crazies are... there are some really funny posts on one of the other pages on here, that you should read... its all in fun and funny. Maybe that's all this is, fun and funny to bring laughter to the ridiculous speculations of this dramatic soap opera. This is better than Young and the Restless. They should have their own reality T.V show.
Also, Alicja speaks better English then some of the English linguistics in this North American Continent with their several generations of English speakers.
Mother's milk can be safely stored in a freezer 14 days (at a temperature of -10 deg) or six months (at a temperature of -18 deg). Just look at the handbook on breast-feeding a child, but of course easier to accuse someone of lying. EM
Why would she lie about the breatfeeding,it's just doesn't make sense.I don't know but on a lot of pictures she has those popping blue veins that would suggest that she's breastfeeding plus the size of her breast hasn't change even though she has lost some weight recently.
Well, I don't understand how someone could call her a liar, just because of the whole breast feeding situation. Someone needs to do better research on her or hire a private investigator to see her true lies... if she has any. Common seriously.
What gives people the notion that its still PR stuff? Can anyone give a break down, or at least the individual who posted that, the analytical perception of how it's PR?
5:50 si ton francais est parfait? alors pourrais-tu t'enfermer enfin, ton opinion n'interesse personne!!! a mon avis tu est une peste jalouse et horrible avec tes commentaires a la noix, donc ferme-la "polyglotte"
12:03 I know you wrote you comment in French but I translated for myself and I totally agree with you.Since 5:50 knows French she won't be having problems with understanding you:))
I am back, more than ever. I'd rather learn from one bird than teach a million stars to dance... your the bird this time and I'm the star above shinning for you.
What's up Family! I host and produce The Miss Mo Show which airs Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11AM PST on Blog Talk Radio here on this lovely blog by gemini, only I won't be back, because its hers and not mine. LOL.. Cheers and good night!
there's always one in tow...maybe two, catch the next one" -Miss Mo. ...I'm just multifaceted ol' me.
@9:05pm: LMAO......It can't be EF because they are SHORT senseless posts. If EF wrote that it would be a long and wordy 17 paragraph descriptive. She can never make her point is only a few words.
ABC has fans? I tend to think of the them as ABC defenders. If they were fans they would be on HER blog discussing her movies, etc. Noooooo, they're here defending ABC from those horrible ABC haters on a blog dedicated to COLIN FARRELL.
@9:28 EF can do short, senseless comments. Check her f*cking blog! ABC's fans are fierce. I thought she had a blog of her own but seems not so much. They're here. Both of them! The translations are very very very funny. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Hugs!!
Anyway, moving on .....back to Colin. Just to change the subject. I was intrigued that a lot of the comments in the Irish media about Ondine were about his attempts at a "Cork accent". This got me thinking of the mini series Falling for a Dancer which I taped years ago even before we all knew who Colin was. My partner at the time (who was from Dublin) commented on the fact that Colin's accent was "posh Dublin" (he thought it was odd for the part he was playing) Years later after Colin went to Hollywood in a very early article (Vanity Fair?)I think it was Eamon who made the comment that Colin's Irish accent had changed to a rougher Oirish accent and that none of the rest of the family spoke like him. Recently I've noticed his accent has changed back more to his original posher Dublin accent. I think what I'm trying to say is - there's a lot of talk about CF & ABC being a PR exercise. You know what I think - it was his entire "bad boy Oirish image" that was the contrived PR exercise. Unfortunately it took over his life and got way out of control. What we are seeing now is more the real Colin. When I saw him saw him talk about why he chose to live in LA (how it's not all about where he wants to live)- I thought finally - an ADULT is talking here. I don't think there's any PR at all in the whole CF/ABC situation - that's why it's so uncomfortable to watch at times - it's messy, it's real life.....
There is some truth to what you are saying 12:43am... with his accent. He's Irish, but not in the way you think. There maybe some truth to non pr with him and Alicja... its a mess. But I know that the media can really play on words and can really fcku things up when it comes to comments that the stars make. Such as, maybe there are two Colin's... the actor and the real boyfriend of Alicja's. Maybe when she says, "My Colin" "that's my man", could be her Colin, not the Colin we know. There is a bit of word playing there too. There is "your boy, my boy, our boy" the movie were my parents met... maybe we will still be friends.??? Maybe there are two Henry's, "can't wait to meet the little one, let's keep the focus on Alicja, its her special time too". Not sure if your getting what I am saying. Colin was always true to himself, but if you know anything about acting, Carey Grant had a personna that was very convincing to attract the media. But Colin is the RAW, only he has great voice overs. Alicja and Colin Friends- YES, Costars- of course... ALicja and a Colin lovers- YES, do we know who he is NO. make sense? Stop judging Colin and Alicja.. they are probably hurting from the lies that the Media has made a mess of. What can you do when anything you say is being used against you and anything PR says there is nothing you can really do, because you won't be believed anyway or have any credibility. Colin mentions somethings at the first ONdine screening in TO, about his girl, and everyone assumed that they knew who he was talking about, with a sarcastic remark, he says well I guess your right then. You have to really pay attention to all the comments that they are making towards each other and away from each other. they are screaming inside from how they both have been made a fool of... and now they have no where to go with it. Mess MEss MESS
P.S as you can tell from my 6:06am posts, I'm not always hysterical... do I like to laugh, yes and I like to make other's laugh as well... but this isn't funny anymore!
ABC has fans? I tend to think of the them as ABC defenders. If they were fans they would be on HER blog discussing her movies, etc. Noooooo, they're here defending ABC from those horrible ABC haters on a blog dedicated to COLIN FARRELL.
FEBRUARY 22, 2010 9:28 PM ________________________________
I don't know why but I think those people must be her " RICH" relatives..=)) brother-cousine or her manager...there is not other answer...maybe her protected mother as well :D
And ABC haters here I am sure..I and Colin's sisters and family..=))
6:17, your just fckued in the head... What is wrong with defending them both by one person, or many persons. Not sure why you would make a comment like that.
10:47, I did some research about the breastfeeding thing - and you can store breastmilk in a fridge for up to eight days or in a freezer for up to three months. However, in the case of new mums most can provide the sustainence the baby needs to be healthy, but struggle to provide enough extra milk to save and store. I took my brother's kids to their pediatrician today and asked her and that is what she told me.
Also, breastfeeding is defined as the giving of milk directly from the breasts so technically she is lying.
I also think that a lot of the stuff she said on the Kinga Rusin interview was lies but that is me interpreting how she appeared to me.
what? 8:32 I'm not her fan but I also don't have this big problem aboute her and beeing Colin fan I wish him all the best and don't believe that he's fame-ho himself and that's exactly who he would be for me if it turns out they're pretending to be together. That's it.
Well, I guess I'll change my answer after reading 12:43am again.. I see what you mean, however, I still think that the media has put their own take on their lives and has drawn up their own conclusions of the relationship and how they are. PLAY ON WORDS I say and no I'm not yelling.. just trying to put my point across...and not to you 12:43 because i know you know.
But the real question is, are their two Colin's, the Colin we think we know as an actor and the Colin on the red carpet and of course the OR which I previously wrote about.
Each time he does an interview he has a whole different take on the situation that he is in. I remember from past interviews that was something that he has said and dealt with. His mind changes all the time and so does his actions. He is pretty flaky and flips back and forth. What I'm trying to say is... he is not the bad ass that he has been portray as, probably doesn't swear in front of the ladies and maybe isn't the womanizer that everyone thinks he is. Yes, I agree that it probably wasn't him or his personality from the past, (agreeing with 12:43am feb 23) the point I'm trying to say is that he is still the wild guy with pounding thoughts and expression that get away from him, yet very educated. I'm sure he cares what people think after the fact, but he is a Carpe dame kind of guy. He is full of emotion, is sensitive and I think that is what he is trying to convey instead of the constant vulgar rough dude that everyone thinks he is or writes about.
I think that persona from the past has hurt him when he's been in the RAW. But how would anyone act in a new country amongst the best competitions and the extreme abusive media including non fans. He was scared out of his fkcuing mind of what was to come out of HOLLYWOOD. I would be that, someone other than the kind hearted sweet person that I am, in front of judgmental frightening strangers. It's the only way to handle an attack on yourself and who you are as a person and how you may or will start believing what they are saying. "maybe they are right, maybe I am a bad actor."
There will always be a sense of Nativity no matter how strong you try to act.
Colin needs to know that he is the "BAD BOY" but not in a bad way... Bad such as BAD ASS.. the Hustler kind of way who leaves his impregnated girlfriend behind as demonstrated in the version of Colin Farrell Living Dangerously, book that I read..YES I wrote the review, it was a sarcasm from the sarcasm that Jane Kelly wrote, because that was during "the time" to write his life to be like. My copy was done on purpose. You might have the same one.
He is actually Ray from "In Bruge" with the glasses, with sexy tattoos and punk ass earrings with sweet comments to the pretty girls.
I can only imagine how tiresome it must be to have people say such hurtful comments about scoring again, boozing and doing drugs.
If you want to judge and analyze photos' go on the Colin Farrell website and look at those photo's and look at his eyes and face and tell me... does that look like a guy who is the BAD ASS that everyone thinks he is or the liar that everyone assumes he is. He doesn't cheat on his girlfriends... we don't' know the story behind the stories. Watch The Recruit look at his body language and his face...look at Alexander again, watch anything from those years that he has been labelled in and really see his acting, not the story. There is truth to the kind of person he is trying to be now, only that was always him like 12:43am has mentioned.
But IN BRUIGE is really the guy you want to see and who is his closest match to him... minus the vulgar rude racism. He is just a boy, who DOESN'T need to grow up.
P.S my sarcasm to Jane Kelly's book, was just pointing out the obvious that has just been discussed here on this blog. That even Jane Kelly found humor in how the public responded to him and how and what the Media portray him as.
He's not that book, yet the stories are familiar just not accurate, when it comes to who he is as a person. The rest is the truth as told by other peoples interpretation, not necessarily by Jane Kelly Herself, she just wrote the book.
I wish people on here would grow up though, BE HAPPY PEOPLE, love the beauty of art not the anger of the devil. I stand up for Alicja not only as a fan of the art, but from one woman to another and one HUMAN TO ANOTHER... its just the principal of stabbing someone in a million pieces just for the sake of doing it, when you don't even know that person.
SHE is a human being too and there are obviously a lot of people that love her and there has to be a reason why they do. It is so hurtful to read about someone on here and then be judged for sticking up for the kindness of just being human. Maybe you should see Alicja's eyes and put yourself in her shoes and wonder "WOW, would I feel that sad and embarrassed to be recognized because I may or may not be the love of Colin's life". She has no reason to feel embarrassed other than maybe, SADNESS of what will be the next comment someone will say about her. I wonder how people will feel after the fact, when the truth comes out, that she really is a good decent human being. very sad...but just polish press is busy and take care about what is happened in Colin's life.. Look at her shoes guys...She needs urgently a stylist and a fashion manager...she is trying to imitate ...Colin with the boots...:-t.....And if we think about it ...he used to be married to gorgeous Amelia Warner :(( HG
Alicja jest wspaniałą kobietą.Poczekajcie trochę,przekonacie się,że to prawda.Nam, jej fanom jest przykro czytać złośliwości na jej temat.Czekajcie i obserwujcie a wtedy osądzicie.
Hi, 23feb 11.40am what does your comment "there will always be a sense of Nativity no matter how strong you try to act" mean? Sorry, I am half asleep here and this comment caught my eye. Also does anyone know what the heck is "Miss Mo show"? There is such a diverse range of comments above I'm confused - [nothing new there then].
ps what do you all think of Mr CF's Cork accent in Ondine? I know a few from that area in Ireland & I reckon you'd never know he was a Jackeen [sp?] From the clips I've heard I think he's got it to a super "T" naw sure we'll give him a "T+" Good choice imo to do it with Corkonian voice as opposed to Dublin voice. Dublin accent's better suited to gangsta sort of stuff ;-) LOL.... ONLY MESSING if there are any DUBS on board.
What I was trying to say was that no matter how strong you are in the beginning, movie stars are Niave before they actually know the trick of the trade. My spell check, I take it, didn't work that one out. The word is : naivety. Not saying he isn't sophisticated, but just that he is not sure of what kind of mess he can get himself into... as we are experiencing.
Gemini, I wish I could see you. Please understand why I'm doing it... I hope you do? I love this place and it makes me laugh. Please understand I'm not taking out my bazzar behavior on you on purpose. It's a learning curve and I know what I am doing. that's whats so scary to some people I guess. You know, sorting out what's real and whats not. Knowing what is regardless, yet looking for the obvious sign... I've been told but my heart says NO its not true. However, sometimes its fun to make people laugh and to at least get a comment back even if its negative. but you have to know, I can take it. It brings me joy. Even though I get hurt about the things they say about someone they don't even know anything about...that includes Colin himself.
People don't realise that they are attacking him too on his own OR I should say your WEB blog dedicated to him. He is sensitive and it does hurt him when the people he loves are being attacked.
I know this isn't your doing, I get this blog, and it should remain as is, but please change the judgement card, I really want to know what today's card says.
@ 11:40 am and others -Hi it's 12:43 AM Feb 23 - sorry I'm in another time zone to some of you guys. I wrote about Colin's Cork accent & and his PR Image. I agree no doubt some of Colin's real personality is part of his PR image. Undoubtedly he was naive when he first came to Hollywood - that's what I meant when I said his PR image took over his life & got out of control. He couldn't foresee that.I also agree there are undeniably 2 Colins - the public persona & the private person (none of us know). Recently I think we have seen a little more of his private self & that is a quite uncomfortable for him. I also agree he tends to change his take on events over time. Possibly his rehab may have something to do with that. The reason I said I believe the Colin/ABC situation is not PR managed is because of some of the reactions here on this blog. Unfortunately we seem to live in an age where if there are no photos, or videos on Youtube then it didn't happen. Nobody doubts Colin's love for Jimmy - we have the photos and videos to prove it. We have the talk show appearances outlining his failings as a father in the past.(personally I think Colin is starting to milk that a bit too much - my opinion only). Now because we have no loving family photos of either Colin or ABC with Henry (other than the blurred baptism or baby Blanket shots at the airport)- conclusions are being made that either one or both of them are selfish parents, yet for all we know on all the days they are NOT photographed, CF/ABC are with Henry. Another rather sad issue is the whole "Madonna/Whore" syndrome that one of Colin compatriots Sinead O'Çonnor used to bemoan as still existing in Ireland (many years ago) Obviously it is still alive and well here. It seems unless a woman is not chaste & pure to her wedding day or if she has a baby, is not devoting her entire existence to her child, then she is a whore. If we saw a PR managed photo/interview of Colin with an adoring ABC lovingly breastfeeding baby Henry - would that make it more acceptable? Maybe, maybe not ? Finally, I think the less obsessive of us here have totally got it - SOME OF YOU DON'T LIKE HER (ABC)(yes I am shouting). Point taken. Not hating her is not the same as defending/liking her. It just means some of us don't hate her. Can we please move on from this? P.S @3:14 pm - I think it was a good call on his part to try a Cork accent - it was a nice touch
@ 9:16 Awww thanks :)Right back at ya ! We need to spread the love more here. Didn't really expect such a response to my earlier post - was just trying to change the subject back to Colin
8:55 You're very wise women, and I totally agree with you I assume that you're not 15 years old like some of bloggers here;P . I also think (and you kind of already said that) that JR interview (which was first big interview he was directly asked about Alicja) was strage for him that's why he said some strange/inappropriate things, it's like he was nervouse so he wanted to cover himself with all that image he has and be cool in some way about that situation which is new for him. He has never spoke about his private life before he was just telling same things all the time which were not so personal but now here it's very personal and it's just new and weird and messy just like life. Ok, now I can move from here :) When are the oscars?!
Jeez,you ppl are so ignorant. He ALWAYS was/is very honest about his personal life when he was/is asked a question. It's obvious you haven't been a fan of him for very long...
He was even too honest in telling the press about his private life and it was good for him. I think he finally realized that the work must be separated from personal life. I see that now a lot more care of his family, Hennry protects against the paparazzi, even risking the displeasure of fans who would like to see his baby:) EM
'I wonder how people will feel after the fact, when the truth comes out, that she really is a good decent human being.'
Well at least we know that those people who say bad things about Alicja have nothing to fear if it comes to that. Ask yourself: Does someone who is '... a good and decent human being' leave her newborn child in a different country? Hell no!
OH MY F'n good gracious. Common 4:45am, you don't even know for sure if she did, and what about Colin, he's a parent too isn't he. Go back and read 8:55am, have another read.
Excuse me? We don't know that she did not take Henry with her to Cabo? I guess you didn't watch the TV interview she did - she openly admitted she did not take him!
I don't think that he and Alicja were ever together out of love or PR. I think he is trying to do the right thing by Henry. I don't think Colin could care less about his public image and I don't think his public image has ever been orchestrated like others have put it.
It would be lovely if the topic was actually Colin. It has not been in months. Only ABC. She'll be gone soon, mentioned only as the mother of his second son. Can not wait!
Let's talk about Colin, who's first?!? Seriously! I even have nothing against Alicia but it is boring as hell how long can we talk about the same thing? Nothing is changed.... some of us think that they are .... some that they are not BORING!!!!!!
Fatherhood is an integral part of his life. But is his new partner Bachleda 'The One'? Farrell sighs. We have a gorgeous little boy. We're very happy. Who knows? I've lived a life up until now of such... finite exclamations. I've had loves in my life; I've felt the weight of nevers and forevers quite a lot in my life. 'But there's desperation in those words. They bring a lot of pressure with them, and at times an inevitable downfall. They might have suited me at a certain stage, but right now I'm loath to get into the idea of nevers and forevers.
It's new it was posted today. Well, well,well he's all grown-up he even bought sauna... ;P Actually when I read this I had an impression that he's talking more like an adult person than ever before but maybe it's just me. Nice photos but little boring but Colin looks great :)
Maybe it was taken down because the Editor found out it was a crock of sh!t, made up by some hack writer trying to get his by line in a major publication. That said, websites rarely pull articles right away. Usually, if the articles been up for a while they'll take it down. Removing it immediately is a sure sign somethings up with the article - like its made up - Colin NEVER said those things.
Love what he said about nevers and forevers. I couldn't agree more. This interview may be what he was doing at the Roosevelt a while ago when he was photographed arriving there. The pictures are gorgeous. I think he's handling an unexpected, challenging situation with grace. I do hope he's learned something from all this though. Like - condoms are our friends!
As if we needed more proof ABC grabbed hold of the sexy Irish wang to gain fame. She released her shiteous CD Climate in the U.S. in October 2009 days after she pushed out Colin's second son. It's painful but if you have to hear her "music" go to her fan blog and don't blame me if your ears hate you forever more.
Just something to consider ;) typical use failure rate condom 10-18% typical use failure rate oral contraceptive 8-9% typical use failure rate Diaphragm and cervical cap 13% I personally can plead quilty to oral contraceptive failure myself - vomiting & diarrhea can make cause failure of the oral contraceptive. I think you'll find a surprising number of pregnancies even in established relationships are unplanned or due to contraceptive failure. Sometimes life doesn't go as planned @Feb 23 11:41 pm thanks for your kind comments. :) Yes I am certainly well over 15!!!!( Feb 23 8.55 pm here) @ Feb 24 2.12 am - I have been aware of Colin's career dating back to Falling for a Dancer & Ballykissangel which dates back to the late 90s. Can't say I've followed his every move since then. In numerous articles in the past he has made it clear that he gave very little away about his personal life. I think you'll find most of his revelations have been post rehab
As if we needed more proof ABC grabbed hold of the sexy Irish wang to gain fame. She released her shiteous CD Climate in the U.S. in October 2009 days after she pushed out Colin's second son. It's painful but if you have to hear her "music" go to her fan blog and don't blame me if your ears hate you forever more.
There is definitely something wrong with this article but there can be many resons why they took it down. Personally I think that most likely it was posted in the net by mistake. Papers rarely posts major interviews with celebrities in the net before paper version, but who knows eventually we'll see
The last paragraph says: 'Fatherhood is an integral part of his life. But is his new partner Bachleda 'The One'? Farrell sighs. We have a gorgeous little boy. We're very happy. Who knows? I've lived a life up until now of such... finite exclamations. I've had loves in my life; I've felt the weight of nevers and forevers quite a lot in my life. 'But there's desperation in those words. They bring a lot of pressure with them, and at times an inevitable downfall. They might have suited me at a certain stage, but right now I'm loath to get into the idea of nevers and forevers.'
8:01 I have never heard of that, I just browse the net and I didn't find that info,wikipedia says that Climate is from 2001 but maybe I just didn't find it.
I am soooooooo NOT in denial. That article says ABC helped him give up his "bad boy" lifestyle. Colin went to rehab YEARS ago, right after he finished shooting Miami Vice in 2006. His family and his first son, as he has said in interviews, was the motivating factor in his decision to get clean. ABC had/has NOTHING to do with his living a clean life. Every girlfriend he had since has been credited with helping him turn his life around. Its BS everytime. He has never credited anyone else but his family with his getting clean and sober. Ever.
Its the ABC fans that are in denial.....take a look at this:
.....@2:54 - while Jonathon Rhys-Myers is being interviewed, watch over his shoulder, to the left . Its ABC. She's standing by a curtain with a very blond woman WITHOUT COLIN. They're talking and it looks like she spots someone off to the side (on the right). Then the blond woman starts walking over to where she was looking while ABC turns around and walks the other direction - as if they spot Colin and Danica then she goes to meet him. LIKE THEY DIDN'T ARRIVE TOGETHER. (copied from IMDB - with permission).
I watched this youtube video few times and it's cut and seriously cut of course I'm not saying that they came togehter or not I'm just sying that when Alicia is leaving this curtain blonde girl(who I suspect is her publicist she was at the premiere also) leavs it too and than after few second she comes back while we still can see Jonathan RM beeing interviewd so it's in the same(real) tme and than after enother few seconds we can see blonde women following Alicia and Colin while they are entering this "party" so it's no way she could be in 2 places at one time so seriously it is cut not saying that they are not playing a game with who knows who but this video is not the proof of anything. To be honest if it's all shit they are both really stupid not because of making pr but for making their very own private lifes pr just stupid. And once again if it's pr alicia is so much batter in it than Colin she never said a bad word about him and I know that most of us assume that she's the one who loves him and he hates her but ...seriously? she is hanging there very well and she doesn't seem to me be desperate to you know touch him or kiss him and stuff like that she is keeping her distance. So either they are real couple like most of adults who don't need to show their feelings in front of strangers or they are both very very stupid pretending. But there is enother thing if it is all shite wouldn't they pretend better .... like to sweethearts?! just saying
Watch the video again, at 1:26 when they show Matt Dillon being interviewed......Colin arrives with Danica (his pr person) and his assistant/body guard Anton (big guy behind Danica). He arrived without her, ABC is nowhere to be found.
I will agree with you on one thing - they are both very very stupid pretending. Colin is very affectionate with people he loves, he's affectionate with his brother and his sisters. He's very affectionate with his girlfriends, always touching them whether its holding their hand or more than that. It isn't like him to not be.
Maybe it's his new strategy,keep your private life out of the press,remember this is new Colin(vol2)but I have to admit they have a strange relationship,something is just not right with them but I can't put my finger on it,what is it.
3:14 How do you know he've just arrived there,he've been standing there for a while.I get what you're saying but that's not enough evidence.When he was talking to the reporter,she could have been standing on the other side.Too bad we don't have any video of actual arrival.
Colin said they have a beautiful boy and they are very happy. Right? He implies it may not be forever but for now to me it seems as if they're together. And on ABC's wikipedia page, Colin Farrell is mentioned as her "domestic partner" which means they're living together but not married. Personally, I don't think a relationship starting with a pregnancy will go on for long but I give him credit for trying to be there for Henry. Parents sacrafice for their children- it's part of the job. He's grown up A LOT in the last few years. Maybe he loves living with his baby. He didn't get to do that with Jimmy and probably couldn't have at the time. I think they seem an oddly mismatched couple. Fire and ice. But for now I think they are a couple. And NO I'm not an ABC fan or defender. She seems far too average for him. Mediocre singer, dull actor, less than devoted mum and there's the whole oops I'm pregnant after a few weeks. But he's hers for now. I hope he's happy. He looks gorgeous.
Hm. The Youtube video is interesting. ABC is hiding under the tent with her whatever. Sees someone. Ducks and hides. Her handler goes off to meet up with someone (Danica?) and magically ABC reappears at Colin's side when he's interviewed. I hate to say it but this does look contrived. Anything is possible in Hollywood. WTF!!
Quiet night on Imbd ? :)) It is possible there was some editing of the footage shown and that events may not have happened in the exact time frame of the video. Maybe ABC was just finding out where the toilets where =)) Personally I don't find their relationship strange at all. It seems perfectly normal to me and they have both made comments indicating they are in a relationship together. Some of you are just looking for things to find wrong
10:09 like the public gives a shi@#$% if he's with her or not. I can believe that some girls would do all this pretending thing , don't know if she's the one just don't know but if seriously Colin Farrell who is in the bussines for so long get over sex tape,get over beeing hard drug eddict and alkoholic put himself in situation to pretend to be with his babymama because of public who to be honest is not so much interrested in him he is just really stupid and self distructive person living in the bubble. That's all I think. Can you imagine that? They both have families and friends so how does this work? They lie to everybody? Maybe Everyone knows everything and they just make a fools of themselfs during events and interviews? It would be unbelievable indeed.
“I’ve managed to stop Googling myself,”. “I did it for a while, but I have stopped. I used to get very angry about people writing this stuff, but now I feel sorry for them that their lives are so empty they need to gossip about my life.”
That's what Colin said in an interview '".
Gossip,huh? My dearest Colin,you making a mess of your personal life isn't gossip sweetheart. It's reality,it's a fact. So if you want to feel sorry for someone,feel sorry for your children,their the ones who suffer . You arrogant piece of sh!t...
For God's sake are you all ( well, most of you) under 15 or what? It's really simple (I mean this whole relationship) it seems little messy but it's all very simple. If you are over 25 and have some live experience it shouldn't be so wierd for you. I'm sorry but I just can't undarstand most of you and I certainly have no intention to explain what I mean, just saying, because some of this post really amused me.
I seriously can't get enough of the laughter...but I get offended when people say such horrible things about Colin on this blog. Come on. He's a guy, I'm a girl over 25yrs, Some of what is said about him should be expected and some of the stuff on blogs from girls under 25 or over, should be expected. He's right though, he has pissed off obsessed fans with what he does and says, but true fans who love the art, his art don't really care about what he has said, done or didn't do. I love the guy and I really don't care about the crap that is said about him and as an obsessed fan, yes it hurts to see him with another woman that isn't me, but I need to wake up and deal with the fact that, I"M HERE and he's THERE and the stories are about him and Alicja...not me, which makes me even happier because then I won't have to read bad things about me. The point of my blabbering, is that he will never be out of a job, he is a good actor he is well respected, a handful of people like us is not going to destroy his career. Plus, him staying home looking after his babies is a good father and sacrificing his career doesn't even seem to faze him, again he's a good father... Alicja working while she has a baby does not make her a bad mother, lots of mother's do it and lots have to do it... PLUS, why does she have to stay at home with her baby if the father wants to. WHO SAYS the mother has to be the one who stays home with the baby and give up her career. WHo says that life has to stop while you have a baby... it shouldn't because then bad parenting will occur, because of burnout. Colin doesn't have work if he would rather be with his children. It's not that he can't get work, its that he chooses not to work. He will always get offers. So just enjoy his looks, his movies and the crazy things he says and does...that's Colin and that has always been him. Don't expect the juice to be the same all the time or it will get bad and you will have to throw it out.
@12:16 pm -Aries Girl I agree with you. You make a lot of good points. There are some people here (especially those who normally frequent Imdb) who are basically trolling. Maybe it makes them feel cool, I don't know. I suspect several are very young & lacking in basic life experience. Maybe some who so disagree with his choice of gf need to realise, he was never theirs & he never will be.
Oh dear me some people here & also the trolls at imdb are taking Colin's response very badly :)) to the Irish times comment "The internet continues to hum with largely INVENTED (my capitals) stories concerning his outrageous antics. That is "he used to get angry & now feels sorry for them & that there lives are empty" Hey Colin if you ever take up googling yourself again a lot of us here feel the same way about the people who invent the bizarre stories/consiracy theories about you =))
4:16, most of us at IMDB like Colin as an actor, and yeah - we think he is cute. But would we want him as a partner? Given his commtment phobia? Hell no! You'd have to be crazy to want that! We are perfectly well aware that he will never be ours. Most of us have husbands/partners and kids and we are very happy with our lives.
Gemini you're too funny.Are you trying to stir controversy ? I think I won't be able to handle
ReplyDeleteBrangeloonies.Either way I'm happy you're doing good.
they need good night sleep, I guess next will be at the plane to LA poor guys.... party-premiere after-party,party,after-party ;P;D
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Colin!!! :D :X
ReplyDeleteHe won!!!!!!!!!! :) Congrats!!!! Can somebody know what he said ?! Did you watch it?
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Colin! Many many more.
ReplyDeleteThey look awfulllll...they need urgently some sleep. I guess she hasnt seem the JR interview otherwise she would not have been there...She should have some dignity I am so sorry for her.
ReplyDeleteI am disappointed by him..He has so much to learn... dress better and treat women with respect.
Great, that he won:)
ReplyDeleteI can not wait to see the movie.
He deserves it. :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-*
ReplyDeleteI just read a comment from polish site Colin thanked Alicja at IFTA "for all the beauty she brought to his life".
ReplyDeleteof course he has to say that...after all shit he said at JR...he has to apologize....They are just acting...this is couple is so fake...
ReplyDeletesomething else she looks in the pics like a travesti...
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI just read a comment from polish site Colin thanked Alicja at IFTA "for all the beauty she brought to his life".
FEBRUARY 20, 2010 7:03 PM
I did not find any information in any irish web site. Does someone know about it?
I like the way she looks in this dress , much classier than the other one. And her hair and make up are much better too.The shoes not so much. Colin could have washed his hair???? But the black suit is better than that hiddeous metal grey?? he wore on the premiere.
ReplyDeleteI am happy he won!!! C O N G R A T S !!!!!!It his first time winning isn't it? Ferb
I'm sure the beauty he's talking about is Henry.
ReplyDeleteWhat Polish site? Anyone have a link? Just sayin the Polish sites have been somewhat unreliable and they rush to make statements to promote ABC which are later proven to be wrong. I hear it from his mouth on video or it didn't happen. :p
ReplyDeleteMake her go away!!!!! Colin won an award. In Ireland. He must be over the moon. Why the freak is it only about her????
ReplyDeleteDying to hear CF say a ball and chain brought beauty to his life. Spill! Who heard it? Where can I hear it?
ReplyDeleteI think by that he meant Henry...
ReplyDeleteGosh, why are you so harsh on this girl. You blame her for all the bad things and criticize her for almost every aspect of her life. Stop being so judgemental. Write about Colin if you say it's a blog about him.
*Write about Colin if you say it's a blog about him.* We do but ABC fans come here instead of going to HER blog and posting. They're the ones that have turned this into the ABC/CF blog.
ReplyDelete3:57 unfortunately the comments here are hardly about Colin apart from ABC. I'm tired of her due to it. Of all threads, this one maybe could've been about his award- but nooooooooo!
ReplyDeleteThere's an after interview and he says he was on auto-pilot when he made his speech. He couldn't remember what he said and asked the reporter if it was okay. Then he says he's back on the ground. Love his humility.
ReplyDeleteWeren't there some actors nominated who are not Irish? Thought so...
Where can we hear the speech?
ReplyDeleteNot the speech but interview after. He says he can't remember the speech.
He doesn't even look like the same guy from GG which was a month ago. I can't believe how skinny both of them became... lots of sex, or just a lot of running around for a 4 month old??
ReplyDeleteSo how could anyone say that he does not love Alicja? I don't believe he has ever thanked the woman of his life in a speech before. It's obvsious in this video that they are a family. it's fun to make fun of and insult them, but the truth is, they are in love.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the fun and laughter!
The film is going to be a great success.
Aries girl :)
Congratulations to Colin. I'm glad he won. His speech was lovely. Sweet guy!
ReplyDelete*just a lot of running around for a 4 month old??*
ReplyDeleteThen I'm guessing that have a very skinny Nanny (or team of Nannies). Exactly why/how does one "run around" for a 4-month old? It can't walk yet and I doubt its even crawling at this point. *eye roll*
I was very sceptical about their relationship but 11;28 is right at least since amelia (what makes 10 years) he didn't and it's not only the way he spoke but how he behave... I'm not obessed so I just can accept that they are together and who knows how long they'll last but this relationship is real and I envy them ....;P it is pretty romantic I must say .;P he was sweet and there is no argue with the facts so let it be and anjoy next photos :) next stop :oscars
ReplyDeleteI dunno. Her reaction from the audience was odd. Either way, happy he won and hope he's happy.
ReplyDelete@2:48. Agree. Her smile seems so forced and she looks sad to me. I think they're already over and are exhausted from going through the motions. I'm glad he thanked her. It would've been terrible if he didn't. They do have a child together after all and he is a decent guy - liposuction joke aside. :)
ReplyDeleteI don't think she looks sad,I would say she looks shy more than anything.
ReplyDeleteWhat liposuction joke? I will be shocked if this is true.
ReplyDeleteno no I'm sorry but he loves her you will see God! I can't believe I actually say it but I honestly think it's truth. She broke him, he's broken he's now daddy with home and soccer practice. Joke about lipo was during interview on the red carped ... interview which was sctually really sweet and see yourself it was a joke seriously nothing more...
Guys what do you think about this video,to me it looks like she was pissed,I think he was pointing for the cameras and she didn't like that.
She always looks pissed at something. They are just such a mismatch to me. He's full of life and personality and every interview I see her in is so boring. We'll see in the future if they misread lust for love. Which I think they did. But..we'll see. Let's check back in about 6 months or a year maybe.
ReplyDelete3:59 She did the same thing to him at the GG,the umbrella incident,she said she'll be in pre production for her new movie by the end of March,let's see if he follows her to Europe or will stay in LA.He won't be filming till June-July.
ReplyDeleteMe too 3:59 and about the joke. I'd have his bits in a jar today if I were her. ;P
ReplyDeleteMatt Dillon is a pig come on man! She has a boyfriend who is actually talking to her from the stage and you are trying to score??!! Seriously?! What with all the touching it is obvious that she doesn't like that ... awfull I hate when man behave like that, like you are so small and sweet girl I'll hug you :/ bleh
ReplyDeleteThat wasn't Matt Dillon,I don't know who it was though,but I agree that was weird.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you're right it wasn't Dillon but it was awfull I really feel sorry for her it's never nice when some old little drunk guy decides that you need protection :/ maybe it was second producer of ondine it looks like they were all sitting at ondine table so.... he doesn't look like any of his agent (I think) maybe her agent but i don't think so.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they all know something we don't and the guy, who she probably worked with on Ondine, was trying to be comforting in a sweet genuine way. She looked like she needed a little reassurance.
ReplyDelete3:59 she was pissed off because the photographers were calling just Colin...I did not hear her name not even once.
Check this:
ReplyDeleteShe is trying to hard to speak good english...her face looks funny I do not know if It was the hair or the make up...I am still thinking her face look the face for a travesti at this festival.
ReplyDeleteShe did not kiss him in the mouth...Neil looks very pissed off...and unconfortable...
I'm sorry but it's silly now facts are facts of course there is always possibility that sun is green why not? Give them a break they re normal couple nd tht's it, and if not they will just make very very big idiots of themselfs when it comes out, don't think Ondine is worthy all that game to be honest...
ReplyDelete6:36 Agree,some people are beyond obsessive.
ReplyDelete6:50 - agree about some people being obsessive - some are getting quite scary !! :-o It's interesting how we all have our own take on reality. Congrats to Colin for the award. He seemed nervous - obviously meant a lot to him. I though his comment to Alicja about bringing beauty into his life was just lovely. I would love to have that sort of comment made to me. I didn't think her smile was forced - I think she looked a little embarrassed, which is understandable at a public function. Gee some people here are a very hard crowd to please...
ReplyDelete"I though his comment to Alicja about bringing beauty into his life was just lovely."
ReplyDeleteI agree 8:38. Lovely and also very sincere.
it's not like he won a lot of things like that in the past so I didn't know how nervous it makes him but this and golden globe are 100% nervous and oscar one day will be something;p
ReplyDeleteAll ABC all the time. Yawn. Wake me when she's gone. Congratz to Colin on his IFTA award.
ReplyDelete6:27 pm
ReplyDeleteYou are deaf.
6:31 pm
Her english is really good, how is your polish?
Aries girl - how could anyone say he DOES love her? Especially after that speech. You do not refer to your lover by her (almost) full name. The way that he treats her is as if she is at most a friend, and the same from her. There just seems to be no sexual chemistry between them. The same time last year (roughly).
ReplyDeleteAnyway - congrats Colin!
4:50 Sure you do,she was also his co-star in the movie he won an award for.I guess everyone has a different take on their relationship,but some of you dissect every picture and every word.
ReplyDeleteAll right 5:22 - let me ask you this:
ReplyDeleteWhy would you bother being so formal and professional to your so-called lover and mother of your child when everyone knows about the relationship you had with her? If there was a need to keep the relationship a secret then I could understand that kind of attitude. However their secret is out so there is no need for that kind of attitude. I can't think of a single time where an acting couple both starred in the same movie, one of them received an award for their role, and then referred to their 'partner' so formally in their acceptance speech. It's just not normal. Most of the time when the partner gets mentioned it's usually like 'my wonderful partner - (first name)'.
As the old sayng goes - 'the Devil is in the details'.
My guess is that they have probably both already moved on.
FEBRUARY 22, 2010 1:32 AM
ReplyDeleteMy german and my french are perfect and yours???? You are so stupid...who wants to learn polish? ????
FEBRUARY 22, 2010 5:50 AM
ReplyDeleteSTOPPPP annoying everybody here...Are you Alicja's brother, cousine or what??????? and what do you think about the JR interview he loves her soooooo much...that he "FELL LIKE"...accept it.When JR said to him the young women in the movie...COlin could reply this young woman her name is Alicja Bachleda-Curus..but he did not say nothing.
There is something going on there...she looks happy at the speech because I think she could not believe what he said.
He's back home in LA now...
I agree with HG. She was probably relieved he actually said anything at all. She knows what's going on.
ReplyDeleteWhen colin won the golden globe he said Thanks to my publicist, danica smith , who I trully love. I don't know, but it is weird colin kissed his partner cheek so briefly , and embraced the stage girl so happily .It feels like they don't want to share whatever goes on between them with the public. They play word games all the time. I have no clue why.That is why we keep thinking they are hiding the break up.
ReplyDeleteI heard a rumour, long ago , alicja had dated one of the ondine producers. Could he be that horribly incovenient guy?
5:55 take it easy!!
ReplyDeleteAlicja in her interview (Dzien Dobry TVN)called him "my man", "Mr Colin" "boy".
And what is that mean?? That she doesn't love him?? Don't be funny :)
Part her interview:
"Q: Czy można powiedzieć czy to było uczucie,takie miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia??
A: Wiesz co nie wiem myślę, że to czy to była miłości od pierwszego wejrzenia, czy przeświadczenie o nieuchronności zdarzeń, czy o nieuchronności miłości która przyjdzie....coś w tym stylu"
She sad it long ago that - It wasn't love at first sight. Colin sad nothing new ...
And they are not the first and the last.
And that is not mean that they don't fell love now.
You could be right, 9:06, they may well be in love now. But the body language tells a whole different story.
ReplyDeleteBTW 9:06 it has been well established that she does lie in her interviews
ReplyDeleteAll the time I read here that she lied in interview. Could someone tell me when EXACTLY she lied? :-/
Ferb maybe you are right, all her ex- girlfriends are so horrible ( She had luck to catch Colin. :)
ReplyDeleteAnna, she lied whenever she said she was breastfeeding Henry. It is a little hard to breastfeed your kid when he is in a different country. Now she may have stored up a supply of breastmilk, or be using a combination of breastmilk and formula - but I doubt it. Most new mothers have trouble supplying enough milk just to cover their baby's daily needs - let alone enough to store and save for a week. Stored breastmilk does not last for long either, even when in the fridge. Henry is probably on formula. It's the only way he could be away from his mother for so long and still get fed.
ReplyDeleteI don't know, I'm not expert. But is it possible to save milk for 4 days (when they were in Mexico)? I'm just wondering.
ReplyDelete9:26 Two of those guys she had never dated.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm sure they were in Mexico for a day considering how quick it is to get there from L.A... It's possible with how quickly they went to Ireland for the festivities that they were only there for a few days, but I'm sure Henry was in Ireland too, they are just protecting him from the public, So I bet that she was breastfeeding him...unless he was born in June like I have been saying and not October, then he would be off of breast milk already, unless she's Amish and breastfeeds until he's 12.
ReplyDeleteAlso, dude or maim who said there are crazies on the site that come up with their own distorted truth because they are obsessed...can you be more specific as to who these crazies are... there are some really funny posts on one of the other pages on here, that you should read... its all in fun and funny. Maybe that's all this is, fun and funny to bring laughter to the ridiculous speculations of this dramatic soap opera. This is better than Young and the Restless. They should have their own reality T.V show.
Also, Alicja speaks better English then some of the English linguistics in this North American Continent with their several generations of English speakers.
Mother's milk can be safely stored in a freezer 14 days (at a temperature of -10 deg)
ReplyDeleteor six months (at a temperature of -18 deg).
Just look at the handbook on breast-feeding a child, but of course easier to accuse someone of lying.
Why would she lie about the breatfeeding,it's just doesn't make sense.I don't know but on a lot of pictures she has those popping blue veins that would suggest that she's breastfeeding plus the size of her breast hasn't change even though she has lost some weight recently.
ReplyDeleteWell, I don't understand how someone could call her a liar, just because of the whole breast feeding situation. Someone needs to do better research on her or hire a private investigator to see her true lies... if she has any. Common seriously.
ReplyDeleteHey does anyone know what the text were that Colin and Neil were looking at?
ReplyDeleteAlso, you guys should read the Judgement card again if you haven't already on this blog.
What gives people the notion that its still PR stuff? Can anyone give a break down, or at least the individual who posted that, the analytical perception of how it's PR?
ReplyDelete5:50 si ton francais est parfait? alors pourrais-tu t'enfermer enfin, ton opinion n'interesse personne!!!
ReplyDeletea mon avis tu est une peste jalouse et horrible avec tes commentaires a la noix, donc ferme-la "polyglotte"
5:50pm are you Colin Farrell By chance?
ReplyDeletewas there anything to move from to begin with? 5:50?
ReplyDeleteDid sex actually happen?
ReplyDeleteSex with Alicja the Polish woman?
ReplyDeleteWhen is this soap opera going to stop?
ReplyDelete12:03 I know you wrote you comment in French but I translated for myself and I totally agree with you.Since 5:50 knows French she won't be having problems with understanding you:))
ReplyDeleteIs there someone else, or is Alicja really the one?
ReplyDeleteIs Alicja the edition to the family?
ReplyDeletewhat is that supposed to mean?
ReplyDeleteWhen can it be solved?
ReplyDeletecan I solve it, buy it, i forgive you.
ReplyDeleteWhen?, Now?, Ok!
ReplyDeleteI AM! but its not all me.
ReplyDeleteYes for sure! I am sorry, it's my fault.
ReplyDeletedo you need to change... I need a smoke?
ReplyDeleteHOw do I come out?
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'll do it. XOX
ReplyDeleteYES YEs okay okay
ReplyDeleteYou are all crazy ;)
ReplyDeleteHow many do you suppose there are 2:46?
ReplyDeletehmmm 33? like the number of woman he slept with?
maybe thats how many
If i were a tear in ur eye i wood roll down onto ur lips.But if u were a tear in my eye i wood never cry as i wood be afraid 2 lose u!
ReplyDeleteIs that what you said to me? Because you won't ever.... me! But you know you have eternity... Do I?
ReplyDeleteIt will!
ReplyDelete4:36 Romeo, who's your Juliet? ;)
ReplyDeleteI won't let it happen again.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you?
ReplyDeleteMay we get back on topic please?
ReplyDeleteIs it you 4:47pm? :)
ReplyDeleteME... It's me I'm your juliet :)
ReplyDeleteWanna practice some outer yog? Romeo?
ReplyDeletePerfect :*
ReplyDeleteI love that you are jewish :)
ReplyDeleteI am back, more than ever. I'd rather learn from one bird than teach a million stars to dance... your the bird this time and I'm the star above shinning for you.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way
ReplyDeleteWhat's up Family! I host and produce The Miss Mo Show which airs Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11AM PST on Blog Talk Radio here on this lovely blog by gemini, only I won't be back, because its hers and not mine. LOL.. Cheers and good night!
ReplyDeletethere's always one in tow...maybe two, catch the next one" -Miss Mo. ...I'm just multifaceted ol' me.
Soooo.. Emma's here, and Polka's three fans wearing the sh*t out of google translator.
ReplyDeleteThis would be tragic if it wasn't f*ucking hysterical.
@9:05pm: LMAO......It can't be EF because they are SHORT senseless posts. If EF wrote that it would be a long and wordy 17 paragraph descriptive. She can never make her point is only a few words.
ReplyDeleteABC has fans? I tend to think of the them as ABC defenders. If they were fans they would be on HER blog discussing her movies, etc. Noooooo, they're here defending ABC from those horrible ABC haters on a blog dedicated to COLIN FARRELL.
They'll be gone soon.
@9:28 EF can do short, senseless comments. Check her f*cking blog! ABC's fans are fierce. I thought she had a blog of her own but seems not so much. They're here. Both of them! The translations are very very very funny. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Hugs!!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, moving on .....back to Colin. Just to change the subject. I was intrigued that a lot of the comments in the Irish media about Ondine were about his attempts at a "Cork accent". This got me thinking of the mini series Falling for a Dancer which I taped years ago even before we all knew who Colin was. My partner at the time (who was from Dublin) commented on the fact that Colin's accent was "posh Dublin" (he thought it was odd for the part he was playing) Years later after Colin went to Hollywood in a very early article (Vanity Fair?)I think it was Eamon who made the comment that Colin's Irish accent had changed to a rougher Oirish accent and that none of the rest of the family spoke like him. Recently I've noticed his accent has changed back more to his original posher Dublin accent.
ReplyDeleteI think what I'm trying to say is - there's a lot of talk about CF & ABC being a PR exercise. You know what I think - it was his entire "bad boy Oirish image" that was the contrived PR exercise. Unfortunately it took over his life and got way out of control. What we are seeing now is more the real Colin. When I saw him saw him talk about why he chose to live in LA (how it's not all about where he wants to live)- I thought finally - an ADULT is talking here. I don't think there's any PR at all in the whole CF/ABC situation - that's why it's so uncomfortable to watch at times - it's messy, it's real life.....
ReplyDeleteI doubt that Alicia's fans would insult her on this blog. Objectively looking, it seems like some fierce colin's fans have to chill a bit :p
ReplyDeleteThere is some truth to what you are saying 12:43am... with his accent. He's Irish, but not in the way you think. There maybe some truth to non pr with him and Alicja... its a mess. But I know that the media can really play on words and can really fcku things up when it comes to comments that the stars make. Such as, maybe there are two Colin's... the actor and the real boyfriend of Alicja's. Maybe when she says, "My Colin" "that's my man", could be her Colin, not the Colin we know. There is a bit of word playing there too. There is "your boy, my boy, our boy" the movie were my parents met... maybe we will still be friends.??? Maybe there are two Henry's, "can't wait to meet the little one, let's keep the focus on Alicja, its her special time too". Not sure if your getting what I am saying. Colin was always true to himself, but if you know anything about acting, Carey Grant had a personna that was very convincing to attract the media. But Colin is the RAW, only he has great voice overs. Alicja and Colin Friends- YES, Costars- of course... ALicja and a Colin lovers- YES, do we know who he is NO. make sense? Stop judging Colin and Alicja.. they are probably hurting from the lies that the Media has made a mess of. What can you do when anything you say is being used against you and anything PR says there is nothing you can really do, because you won't be believed anyway or have any credibility. Colin mentions somethings at the first ONdine screening in TO, about his girl, and everyone assumed that they knew who he was talking about, with a sarcastic remark, he says well I guess your right then. You have to really pay attention to all the comments that they are making towards each other and away from each other. they are screaming inside from how they both have been made a fool of... and now they have no where to go with it. Mess MEss MESS
ReplyDeleteP.S as you can tell from my 6:06am posts, I'm not always hysterical... do I like to laugh, yes and I like to make other's laugh as well... but this isn't funny anymore!
ReplyDeleteABC has fans? I tend to think of the them as ABC defenders. If they were fans they would be on HER blog discussing her movies, etc. Noooooo, they're here defending ABC from those horrible ABC haters on a blog dedicated to COLIN FARRELL.
ReplyDeleteFEBRUARY 22, 2010 9:28 PM
I don't know why but I think those people must be her " RICH" relatives..=)) brother-cousine or her manager...there is not other answer...maybe her protected mother as well :D
And ABC haters here I am sure..I and Colin's sisters and family..=))
check out the book review on Colin Farrell Living Dangerously... with "not dangerous" after the title... this chick has something to prove!
ReplyDeleteIt's by Jane Kelly if you don't know. But the review is by someone else.
6:17, your just fckued in the head... What is wrong with defending them both by one person, or many persons. Not sure why you would make a comment like that.
ReplyDelete10:47, I did some research about the breastfeeding thing - and you can store breastmilk in a fridge for up to eight days or in a freezer for up to three months. However, in the case of new mums most can provide the sustainence the baby needs to be healthy, but struggle to provide enough extra milk to save and store. I took my brother's kids to their pediatrician today and asked her and that is what she told me.
ReplyDeleteAlso, breastfeeding is defined as the giving of milk directly from the breasts so technically she is lying.
I also think that a lot of the stuff she said on the Kinga Rusin interview was lies but that is me interpreting how she appeared to me.
F 23 12:43 am I think you can be right maybe it's little more complicated like life is but you actually can be right.
ReplyDeleteJeezus. The fame-ho's fans are like Alexander! Conquering the world for their princess.
ReplyDeletewhat? 8:32 I'm not her fan but I also don't have this big problem aboute her and beeing Colin fan I wish him all the best and don't believe that he's fame-ho himself and that's exactly who he would be for me if it turns out they're pretending to be together. That's it.
ReplyDeleteWell, I guess I'll change my answer after reading 12:43am again.. I see what you mean, however, I still think that the media has put their own take on their lives and has drawn up their own conclusions of the relationship and how they are. PLAY ON WORDS I say and no I'm not yelling.. just trying to put my point across...and not to you 12:43 because i know you know.
ReplyDeleteBut the real question is, are their two Colin's, the Colin we think we know as an actor and the Colin on the red carpet and of course the OR which I previously wrote about.
Each time he does an interview he has a whole different take on the situation that he is in. I remember from past interviews that was something that he has said and dealt with. His mind changes all the time and so does his actions. He is pretty flaky and flips back and forth. What I'm trying to say is... he is not the bad ass that he has been portray as, probably doesn't swear in front of the ladies and maybe isn't the womanizer that everyone thinks he is. Yes, I agree that it probably wasn't him or his personality from the past, (agreeing with 12:43am feb 23) the point I'm trying to say is that he is still the wild guy with pounding thoughts and expression that get away from him, yet very educated. I'm sure he cares what people think after the fact, but he is a Carpe dame kind of guy. He is full of emotion, is sensitive and I think that is what he is trying to convey instead of the constant vulgar rough dude that everyone thinks he is or writes about.
I think that persona from the past has hurt him when he's been in the RAW. But how would anyone act in a new country amongst the best competitions and the extreme abusive media including non fans. He was scared out of his fkcuing mind of what was to come out of HOLLYWOOD. I would be that, someone other than the kind hearted sweet person that I am, in front of judgmental frightening strangers. It's the only way to handle an attack on yourself and who you are as a person and how you may or will start believing what they are saying. "maybe they are right, maybe I am a bad actor."
There will always be a sense of Nativity no matter how strong you try to act.
Colin needs to know that he is the "BAD BOY" but not in a bad way... Bad such as BAD ASS.. the Hustler kind of way who leaves his impregnated girlfriend behind as demonstrated in the version of Colin Farrell Living Dangerously, book that I read..YES I wrote the review, it was a sarcasm from the sarcasm that Jane Kelly wrote, because that was during "the time" to write his life to be like. My copy was done on purpose. You might have the same one.
He is actually Ray from "In Bruge" with the glasses, with sexy tattoos and punk ass earrings with sweet comments to the pretty girls.
I can only imagine how tiresome it must be to have people say such hurtful comments about scoring again, boozing and doing drugs.
If you want to judge and analyze photos' go on the Colin Farrell website and look at those photo's and look at his eyes and face and tell me... does that look like a guy who is the BAD ASS that everyone thinks he is or the liar that everyone assumes he is. He doesn't cheat on his girlfriends... we don't' know the story behind the stories. Watch The Recruit look at his body language and his face...look at Alexander again, watch anything from those years that he has been labelled in and really see his acting, not the story. There is truth to the kind of person he is trying to be now, only that was always him like 12:43am has mentioned.
But IN BRUIGE is really the guy you want to see and who is his closest match to him... minus the vulgar rude racism. He is just a boy, who DOESN'T need to grow up.
P.S my sarcasm to Jane Kelly's book, was just pointing out the obvious that has just been discussed here on this blog. That even Jane Kelly found humor in how the public responded to him and how and what the Media portray him as.
ReplyDeleteHe's not that book, yet the stories are familiar just not accurate, when it comes to who he is as a person. The rest is the truth as told by other peoples interpretation, not necessarily by Jane Kelly Herself, she just wrote the book.
I wish people on here would grow up though, BE HAPPY PEOPLE, love the beauty of art not the anger of the devil. I stand up for Alicja not only as a fan of the art, but from one woman to another and one HUMAN TO ANOTHER... its just the principal of stabbing someone in a million pieces just for the sake of doing it, when you don't even know that person.
ReplyDeleteSHE is a human being too and there are obviously a lot of people that love her and there has to be a reason why they do. It is so hurtful to read about someone on here and then be judged for sticking up for the kindness of just being human. Maybe you should see Alicja's eyes and put yourself in her shoes and wonder "WOW, would I feel that sad and embarrassed to be recognized because I may or may not be the love of Colin's life". She has no reason to feel embarrassed other than maybe, SADNESS of what will be the next comment someone will say about her. I wonder how people will feel after the fact, when the truth comes out, that she really is a good decent human being.
ReplyDeletevery sad...but just polish press is busy and take care about what is happened in Colin's life.. Look at her shoes guys...She needs urgently a stylist and a fashion manager...she is trying to imitate ...Colin with the boots...:-t.....And if we think about it ...he used to be married to gorgeous Amelia Warner :((
Alicja jest wspaniałą kobietą.Poczekajcie trochę,przekonacie się,że to prawda.Nam, jej fanom jest przykro czytać złośliwości na jej temat.Czekajcie i obserwujcie a wtedy osądzicie.
ReplyDeleteHi, 23feb 11.40am what does your comment "there will always be a sense of Nativity no matter how strong you try to act" mean? Sorry, I am half asleep here and this comment caught my eye.
ReplyDeleteAlso does anyone know what the heck is "Miss Mo show"? There is such a diverse range of comments above I'm confused - [nothing new there then].
ps what do you all think of Mr CF's Cork accent in Ondine? I know a few from that area in Ireland & I reckon you'd never know he was a Jackeen [sp?] From the clips I've heard I think he's got it to a super "T" naw sure we'll give him a "T+" Good choice imo to do it with Corkonian voice as opposed to Dublin voice. Dublin accent's better suited to gangsta sort of stuff ;-) LOL.... ONLY MESSING if there are any DUBS on board.
Oh Man, I spelled it wrong.. 3:14 PM
ReplyDeleteWhat I was trying to say was that no matter how strong you are in the beginning, movie stars are Niave before they actually know the trick of the trade. My spell check, I take it, didn't work that one out. The word is : naivety. Not saying he isn't sophisticated, but just that he is not sure of what kind of mess he can get himself into... as we are experiencing.
But I guess he is a bit like baby Jesus.
Naive again, sorry.
ReplyDeleteOH Colin is definitely a gangsta!
ReplyDeleteMs Ho Show, is a t.v show, but the quote was so funny, that it was posted on here for all the maddness on this site. Glad you asked.
I believe it was the end of the Diverse Comments you were speaking of.
at least on this blog
ReplyDeleteParty at my house, but only for Colin James Farrell:) cheese!!!
ReplyDeleteHope he likes Baths... hee hee.
ReplyDeleteGemini, I wish I could see you. Please understand why I'm doing it... I hope you do? I love this place and it makes me laugh. Please understand I'm not taking out my bazzar behavior on you on purpose. It's a learning curve and I know what I am doing. that's whats so scary to some people I guess. You know, sorting out what's real and whats not. Knowing what is regardless, yet looking for the obvious sign... I've been told but my heart says NO its not true. However, sometimes its fun to make people laugh and to at least get a comment back even if its negative. but you have to know, I can take it. It brings me joy. Even though I get hurt about the things they say about someone they don't even know anything about...that includes Colin himself.
ReplyDeletePeople don't realise that they are attacking him too on his own OR I should say your WEB blog dedicated to him. He is sensitive and it does hurt him when the people he loves are being attacked.
I know this isn't your doing, I get this blog, and it should remain as is, but please change the judgement card, I really want to know what today's card says.
luv everyone as Gemini does
I do
ReplyDelete@ 11:40 am and others -Hi it's 12:43 AM Feb 23 - sorry I'm in another time zone to some of you guys. I wrote about Colin's Cork accent & and his PR Image. I agree no doubt some of Colin's real personality is part of his PR image. Undoubtedly he was naive when he first came to Hollywood - that's what I meant when I said his PR image took over his life & got out of control. He couldn't foresee that.I also agree there are undeniably 2 Colins - the public persona & the private person (none of us know). Recently I think we have seen a little more of his private self & that is a quite uncomfortable for him. I also agree he tends to change his take on events over time. Possibly his rehab may have something to do with that.
ReplyDeleteThe reason I said I believe the Colin/ABC situation is not PR managed is because of some of the reactions here on this blog. Unfortunately we seem to live in an age where if there are no photos, or videos on Youtube then it didn't happen. Nobody doubts Colin's love for Jimmy - we have the photos and videos to prove it. We have the talk show appearances outlining his failings as a father in the past.(personally I think Colin is starting to milk that a bit too much - my opinion only). Now because we have no loving family photos of either Colin or ABC with Henry (other than the blurred baptism or baby Blanket shots at the airport)- conclusions are being made that either one or both of them are selfish parents, yet for all we know on all the days they are NOT photographed, CF/ABC are with Henry. Another rather sad issue is the whole "Madonna/Whore" syndrome that one of Colin compatriots Sinead O'Çonnor used to bemoan as still existing in Ireland (many years ago) Obviously it is still alive and well here. It seems unless a woman is not chaste & pure to her wedding day or if she has a baby, is not devoting her entire existence to her child, then she is a whore. If we saw a PR managed photo/interview of Colin with an adoring ABC lovingly breastfeeding baby Henry - would that make it more acceptable? Maybe, maybe not ?
Finally, I think the less obsessive of us here have totally got it - SOME OF YOU DON'T LIKE HER (ABC)(yes I am shouting). Point taken. Not hating her is not the same as defending/liking her. It just means some of us don't hate her. Can we please move on from this?
@3:14 pm - I think it was a good call on his part to try a Cork accent - it was a nice touch
Me thinks you need a hug.
ReplyDelete@ 9:16 Awww thanks :)Right back at ya ! We need to spread the love more here. Didn't really expect such a response to my earlier post - was just trying to change the subject back to Colin
ReplyDelete8:55 You're very wise women, and I totally agree with you I assume that you're not 15 years old like some of bloggers here;P . I also think (and you kind of already said that) that JR interview (which was first big interview he was directly asked about Alicja) was strage for him that's why he said some strange/inappropriate things, it's like he was nervouse so he wanted to cover himself with all that image he has and be cool in some way about that situation which is new for him. He has never spoke about his private life before he was just telling same things all the time which were not so personal but now here it's very personal and it's just new and weird and messy just like life.
ReplyDeleteOk, now I can move from here :) When are the oscars?!
Jeez,you ppl are so ignorant.
ReplyDeleteHe ALWAYS was/is very honest about his personal life when he was/is asked a question.
It's obvious you haven't been a fan of him for very long...
He was even too honest in telling the press about his private life and it was good for him. I think he finally realized that the work must be separated from personal life. I see that now a lot more care of his family, Hennry protects against the paparazzi, even risking the displeasure of fans who would like to see his baby:)
'I wonder how people will feel after the fact, when the truth comes out, that she really is a good decent human being.'
ReplyDeleteWell at least we know that those people who say bad things about Alicja have nothing to fear if it comes to that. Ask yourself: Does someone who is '... a good and decent human being' leave her newborn child in a different country? Hell no!
OH MY F'n good gracious. Common 4:45am, you don't even know for sure if she did, and what about Colin, he's a parent too isn't he. Go back and read 8:55am, have another read.
ReplyDelete8:55pm that is
ReplyDelete@ 6:06:
ReplyDeleteExcuse me? We don't know that she did not take Henry with her to Cabo? I guess you didn't watch the TV interview she did - she openly admitted she did not take him!
I don't think that he and Alicja were ever together out of love or PR. I think he is trying to do the right thing by Henry. I don't think Colin could care less about his public image and I don't think his public image has ever been orchestrated like others have put it.
It would be lovely if the topic was actually Colin. It has not been in months. Only ABC. She'll be gone soon, mentioned only as the mother of his second son. Can not wait!
ReplyDeleteLet's talk about Colin, who's first?!? Seriously! I even have nothing against Alicia but it is boring as hell how long can we talk about the same thing? Nothing is changed.... some of us think that they are .... some that they are not BORING!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteFatherhood is an integral part of his life. But is his new partner Bachleda 'The One'? Farrell sighs.
ReplyDeleteWe have a gorgeous little boy. We're very happy. Who knows? I've lived a life up until now of such... finite exclamations. I've had loves in my life; I've felt the weight of nevers and forevers quite a lot in my life.
'But there's desperation in those words. They bring a lot of pressure with them, and at times an inevitable downfall. They might have suited me at a certain stage, but right now I'm loath to get into the idea of nevers and forevers.
Read more:
Did I miss something? What is that?
It's new it was posted today. Well, well,well he's all grown-up he even bought sauna... ;P Actually when I read this I had an impression that he's talking more like an adult person than ever before but maybe it's just me. Nice photos but little boring but Colin looks great :)
ReplyDeleteWhy is the article gone from the dailymail website now? Weird! Can anyone else access it?
ReplyDeleteNo,I can't access either,weird indeed.Why would they took it down?
ReplyDeleteMaybe it was taken down because the Editor found out it was a crock of sh!t, made up by some hack writer trying to get his by line in a major publication. That said, websites rarely pull articles right away. Usually, if the articles been up for a while they'll take it down. Removing it immediately is a sure sign somethings up with the article - like its made up - Colin NEVER said those things.
ReplyDeleteok guys but where is gemini??????????
ReplyDeleteLove what he said about nevers and forevers. I couldn't agree more. This interview may be what he was doing at the Roosevelt a while ago when he was photographed arriving there. The pictures are gorgeous. I think he's handling an unexpected, challenging situation with grace. I do hope he's learned something from all this though. Like - condoms are our friends!
ReplyDeleteAs if we needed more proof ABC grabbed hold of the sexy Irish wang to gain fame. She released her shiteous CD Climate in the U.S. in October 2009 days after she pushed out Colin's second son. It's painful but if you have to hear her "music" go to her fan blog and don't blame me if your ears hate you forever more.
ReplyDeleteJust something to consider ;)
ReplyDeletetypical use failure rate condom 10-18%
typical use failure rate oral contraceptive 8-9%
typical use failure rate Diaphragm and cervical cap 13%
I personally can plead quilty to oral contraceptive failure myself - vomiting & diarrhea can make cause failure of the oral contraceptive. I think you'll find a surprising number of pregnancies even in established relationships are unplanned or due to contraceptive failure. Sometimes life doesn't go as planned
@Feb 23 11:41 pm thanks for your kind comments. :) Yes I am certainly well over 15!!!!( Feb 23 8.55 pm here)
@ Feb 24 2.12 am - I have been aware of Colin's career dating back to Falling for a Dancer & Ballykissangel which dates back to the late 90s. Can't say I've followed his every move since then. In numerous articles in the past he has made it clear that he gave very little away about his personal life. I think you'll find most of his revelations have been post rehab
As if we needed more proof ABC grabbed hold of the sexy Irish wang to gain fame. She released her shiteous CD Climate in the U.S. in October 2009 days after she pushed out Colin's second son. It's painful but if you have to hear her "music" go to her fan blog and don't blame me if your ears hate you forever more.
ReplyDelete6:13,you are sóóóóó in denial... *LOL*
ReplyDeleteThere is definitely something wrong with this article but there can be many resons why they took it down. Personally I think that most likely it was posted in the net by mistake. Papers rarely posts major interviews with celebrities in the net before paper version, but who knows eventually we'll see
ReplyDeleteIt has not been taken down...
It was it's not the interview we are talking about
ReplyDeleteThe article in question was taken down because it is due to appear in Mail On Sunday in the UK.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I printed it but there is not much new in it and only a couple of lines at the end about you know who. The pictures are nice! :)
ReplyDeleteMmm. Interesting she released her CD years old in the U.S. a week after Henry was born. She's a little desperate fame-ho, is not she?
No wonder Gemini doesn't want to edit this blog any more seeing what it became...
ReplyDelete4:51 what are yoy taking about what CD????
ReplyDelete7:49, read 9:13's post.
ReplyDeleteWhat article are you talking about that was taken down? and the one who printed it, what was said at the end.
ReplyDeleteThe last paragraph says:
'Fatherhood is an integral part of his life. But is his new partner Bachleda 'The One'? Farrell sighs.
We have a gorgeous little boy. We're very happy. Who knows? I've lived a life up until now of such... finite exclamations. I've had loves in my life; I've felt the weight of nevers and forevers quite a lot in my life.
'But there's desperation in those words. They bring a lot of pressure with them, and at times an inevitable downfall. They might have suited me at a certain stage, but right now I'm loath to get into the idea of nevers and forevers.'
8:01 I have never heard of that, I just browse the net and I didn't find that info,wikipedia says that Climate is from 2001 but maybe I just didn't find it.
ReplyDelete*6:13,you are sóóóóó in denial... *LOL* *
ReplyDeleteI am soooooooo NOT in denial. That article says ABC helped him give up his "bad boy" lifestyle. Colin went to rehab YEARS ago, right after he finished shooting Miami Vice in 2006. His family and his first son, as he has said in interviews, was the motivating factor in his decision to get clean. ABC had/has NOTHING to do with his living a clean life. Every girlfriend he had since has been credited with helping him turn his life around. Its BS everytime. He has never credited anyone else but his family with his getting clean and sober. Ever.
Its the ABC fans that are in denial.....take a look at this:
.....@2:54 - while Jonathon Rhys-Myers is being interviewed, watch over his shoulder, to the left . Its ABC. She's standing by a curtain with a very blond woman WITHOUT COLIN. They're talking and it looks like she spots someone off to the side (on the right). Then the blond woman starts walking over to where she was looking while ABC turns around and walks the other direction - as if they spot Colin and Danica then she goes to meet him. LIKE THEY DIDN'T ARRIVE TOGETHER. (copied from IMDB - with permission).
I watched this youtube video few times and it's cut and seriously cut of course I'm not saying that they came togehter or not I'm just sying that when Alicia is leaving this curtain blonde girl(who I suspect is her publicist she was at the premiere also) leavs it too and than after few second she comes back while we still can see Jonathan RM beeing interviewd so it's in the same(real) tme and than after enother few seconds we can see blonde women following Alicia and Colin while they are entering this "party" so it's no way she could be in 2 places at one time so seriously it is cut not saying that they are not playing a game with who knows who but this video is not the proof of anything. To be honest if it's all shit they are both really stupid not because of making pr but for making their very own private lifes pr just stupid. And once again if it's pr alicia is so much batter in it than Colin she never said a bad word about him and I know that most of us assume that she's the one who loves him and he hates her but ...seriously? she is hanging there very well and she doesn't seem to me be desperate to you know touch him or kiss him and stuff like that she is keeping her distance. So either they are real couple like most of adults who don't need to show their feelings in front of strangers or they are both very very stupid pretending. But there is enother thing if it is all shite wouldn't they pretend better .... like to sweethearts?! just saying
ReplyDeleteWatch the video again, at 1:26 when they show Matt Dillon being interviewed......Colin arrives with Danica (his pr person) and his assistant/body guard Anton (big guy behind Danica). He arrived without her, ABC is nowhere to be found.
ReplyDeleteI will agree with you on one thing - they are both very very stupid pretending. Colin is very affectionate with people he loves, he's affectionate with his brother and his sisters. He's very affectionate with his girlfriends, always touching them whether its holding their hand or more than that. It isn't like him to not be.
Maybe it's his new strategy,keep your private life out of the press,remember this is new Colin(vol2)but I have to admit they have a strange relationship,something is just not right with them but I can't put my finger on it,what is it.
ReplyDelete3:14 How do you know he've just arrived there,he've been standing there for a while.I get what you're saying but that's not enough evidence.When he was talking to the reporter,she could have been standing on the other side.Too bad we don't have any video of actual arrival.
ReplyDeleteColin said they have a beautiful boy and they are very happy. Right? He implies it may not be forever but for now to me it seems as if they're together. And on ABC's wikipedia page, Colin Farrell is mentioned as her "domestic partner" which means they're living together but not married. Personally, I don't think a relationship starting with a pregnancy will go on for long but I give him credit for trying to be there for Henry. Parents sacrafice for their children- it's part of the job. He's grown up A LOT in the last few years. Maybe he loves living with his baby. He didn't get to do that with Jimmy and probably couldn't have at the time. I think they seem an oddly mismatched couple. Fire and ice. But for now I think they are a couple. And NO I'm not an ABC fan or defender. She seems far too average for him. Mediocre singer, dull actor, less than devoted mum and there's the whole oops I'm pregnant after a few weeks. But he's hers for now. I hope he's happy. He looks gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteHm. The Youtube video is interesting. ABC is hiding under the tent with her whatever. Sees someone. Ducks and hides. Her handler goes off to meet up with someone (Danica?) and magically ABC reappears at Colin's side when he's interviewed. I hate to say it but this does look contrived. Anything is possible in Hollywood. WTF!!
ReplyDeleteQuiet night on Imbd ? :)) It is possible there was some editing of the footage shown and that events may not have happened in the exact time frame of the video. Maybe ABC was just finding out where the toilets where =))
ReplyDeletePersonally I don't find their relationship strange at all. It seems perfectly normal to me and they have both made comments indicating they are in a relationship together.
Some of you are just looking for things to find wrong
Nothing strange at all. He's a movie star and she is a fame-ho. Happens all the time. She's just lucky.
ReplyDeleteThings are far from perfectly normal.
ReplyDeleteIt's in the way he speaks about her and their relationship...
He's preparing the public for a break-up.
10:09 like the public gives a shi@#$% if he's with her or not. I can believe that some girls would do all this pretending thing , don't know if she's the one just don't know but if seriously Colin Farrell who is in the bussines for so long get over sex tape,get over beeing hard drug eddict and alkoholic put himself in situation to pretend to be with his babymama because of public who to be honest is not so much interrested in him he is just really stupid and self distructive person living in the bubble. That's all I think. Can you imagine that? They both have families and friends so how does this work? They lie to everybody? Maybe Everyone knows everything and they just make a fools of themselfs during events and interviews? It would be unbelievable indeed.
ReplyDelete“I’ve managed to stop Googling myself,”. “I did it for a while, but I have stopped. I used to get very angry about people writing this stuff, but now I feel sorry for them that their lives are so empty they need to gossip about my life.”
ReplyDeleteThat's what Colin said in an interview '".
Think about it.
ReplyDeleteMy dearest Colin,you making a mess of your personal life isn't gossip sweetheart.
It's reality,it's a fact.
So if you want to feel sorry for someone,feel sorry for your children,their the ones who suffer .
You arrogant piece of sh!t...
For God's sake are you all ( well, most of you) under 15 or what? It's really simple (I mean this whole relationship) it seems little messy but it's all very simple. If you are over 25 and have some live experience it shouldn't be so wierd for you. I'm sorry but I just can't undarstand most of you and I certainly have no intention to explain what I mean, just saying, because some of this post really amused me.
ReplyDeleteI seriously can't get enough of the laughter...but I get offended when people say such horrible things about Colin on this blog. Come on. He's a guy, I'm a girl over 25yrs, Some of what is said about him should be expected and some of the stuff on blogs from girls under 25 or over, should be expected. He's right though, he has pissed off obsessed fans with what he does and says, but true fans who love the art, his art don't really care about what he has said, done or didn't do. I love the guy and I really don't care about the crap that is said about him and as an obsessed fan, yes it hurts to see him with another woman that isn't me, but I need to wake up and deal with the fact that, I"M HERE and he's THERE and the stories are about him and Alicja...not me, which makes me even happier because then I won't have to read bad things about me. The point of my blabbering, is that he will never be out of a job, he is a good actor he is well respected, a handful of people like us is not going to destroy his career. Plus, him staying home looking after his babies is a good father and sacrificing his career doesn't even seem to faze him, again he's a good father... Alicja working while she has a baby does not make her a bad mother, lots of mother's do it and lots have to do it... PLUS, why does she have to stay at home with her baby if the father wants to. WHO SAYS the mother has to be the one who stays home with the baby and give up her career. WHo says that life has to stop while you have a baby... it shouldn't because then bad parenting will occur, because of burnout. Colin doesn't have work if he would rather be with his children. It's not that he can't get work, its that he chooses not to work. He will always get offers. So just enjoy his looks, his movies and the crazy things he says and does...that's Colin and that has always been him. Don't expect the juice to be the same all the time or it will get bad and you will have to throw it out.
ReplyDeleteCrazy here! Yes I am, ARIES GIRL
@12:16 pm -Aries Girl I agree with you. You make a lot of good points. There are some people here (especially those who normally frequent Imdb) who are basically trolling. Maybe it makes them feel cool, I don't know. I suspect several are very young & lacking in basic life experience. Maybe some who so disagree with his choice of gf need to realise, he was never theirs & he never will be.
ReplyDeleteOh dear me some people here & also the trolls at imdb are taking Colin's response very badly :)) to the Irish times comment "The internet continues to hum with largely INVENTED (my capitals) stories concerning his outrageous antics. That is "he used to get angry & now feels sorry for them & that there lives are empty"
ReplyDeleteHey Colin if you ever take up googling yourself again a lot of us here feel the same way about the people who invent the bizarre stories/consiracy theories about you =))
He could google himself for days and fortunately never ever find this place.
ReplyDeleteWhere's Gemini?
ReplyDeleteLet me ask you 'angels' something,if you think IMDb is such a horrible place and the woman on his board there are witches,why do you go there?
ReplyDelete4:16, most of us at IMDB like Colin as an actor, and yeah - we think he is cute. But would we want him as a partner? Given his commtment phobia? Hell no! You'd have to be crazy to want that! We are perfectly well aware that he will never be ours. Most of us have husbands/partners and kids and we are very happy with our lives.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree.
I love him as an actor but as a person not so much...