Thursday, December 2, 2010


According to the - Colin is heading back to the homeland for Christmas... right I'm off to book my flight to Dublin! ; - D 


GOOD news for female fans of Hollywood hunk Colin Farrell (34) -- the recently single superstar will be spending Christmas in Dublin. 

"Colin used to come home from LA every Christmas and just go on the rampage in places like Renards. You would always know when he was back because he would be pictured coming out of the clubs. But now that he's on the dry and has two young boys, he has completely changed.

"His children and his family are his number one priority now and he'll be having a quiet time during his trip back here, just enjoying catching up with everyone. 

He's going to the Dubai Film Festival for a screening of The Way Back but will be coming back in Christmas week."

The star confirmed this recently after saying how now that he has turned over a new leaf, he is far less visible during his trips back home and doesn't stir up the same interest among the paparazzi.

"For a while I was out more and I was very easy to find," he said. "Obviously now I'm in the gaff and boring, I'm not interesting to press any more. You need X-ray lenses to get at me."

As well as conquering his drink and drug demons, Colin is also firmly back in the driving seat when it comes to his career.  His new movie London Boulevard opens in cinemas this week...



  1. I read on the polish blog that abc will try to spend xtmas with her polish family but she says " it is an intense moment for me".
    She had henry for xtmas last year, so maybe it is colin's turn and she doesn't want to spend xtmas away from the baby. Well, I wouldn't! So, what do you think she will do? Spend xtmas with colin's family?

  2. I'm sure they will find a suitable arrangement that works for them both ;)


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