Saturday, January 15, 2011


I've posted the interview for those who wish to read.  As expected, predicted, and of course premeditated - the main 'focus' of the interview is based on Colin Farrell, and not actually Emma Forrest and her life, or the work of her therapist Dr R!  

I think Colin was proabably correct in his judgement not to read the book because if he had objected to any of the pages and words dedicated to him... Ms Forrest would have probably turned it around to her advantage.  And before we know it there would be a follow-up book coming out, which has been 'quickly' thrown together this time 'dedicated' to her self-analysis as to why an ex-boyfriend whom she won't name, but will leave you in no doubt as to who it really is because he didn't allow her write about him in the first place!


The former girlfriend of Colin Farrell has revealed how she offered the Irish actor the chance to vet her memoir and how he graciously declined.

In 2008 New York-based novelist Emma Forrest found herself inside a whirlwind when she began a relationship with the Castleknock star.

Their romance was only to last a year but it remains a cherished memory for the 33-year-old English writer whose acclaimed memoir Your Voice In My Head is published this month.

Asked what it's like having Hollywoood's leading man at your side, Emma told The Diary this week: "Dating Col is wonderful, so long as you don't leave the house.

"Art galleries you can just about get away with, safe because everyone's looking at the walls. Then it's like the song Paul Simon wrote about Carrie Fisher: 'Someone could walk into this room and say your life is on fire! It's all over the evening news, all about the fire in your life on the evening news'."

Despite this, the pair got on so well that at one stage it was rumoured Colin would convert to Judaism after he turned up at a Hollywood party wearing a Star Of David pendant.

But it wasn't to last.

"Everyone's best quality is also their worst quality and the fact that I've a skin too thin makes me a good writer, but is not useful when dating a movie star. I couldn't hide how much the tabloid chatter got to me. I definitely failed him there," she told me.

However, the former lovers were back in contact lately when Emma asked Colin if he wanted to read her memoir before it was published.

"He (Colin) thought about it for a bit, then sent an absolutely beautiful letter saying he didn't need to. It was such a thoughtful letter that confirmed all the good I'd seen in him. He has a copy if he ever changes his mind," she told me this week.

However, neither Colin nor anyone else is named in Emma's book, which she describes as a "love letter to the psychiatrist who saved my life after I turned up in his office following a youthful suicide attempt".

However, 'Col' could well turn up in the movie of Your Voice In My Head, whose screen rights have just been bought by Jane Eyre producer Alison Owen.

Asked if she would agree to Colin Farrell playing any of the characters in her memoir, Emma said: "I'd put him in any movie -- he's brilliant (or he wouldn't be so f*cking complicated!)"

After splitting with Emma, Colin began a two-year romance with Polish actress Alicja Bachleda-Curus who he met on the set of Neil Jordan film Ondine and with whom he had a son Henry.

The couple parted last October.



  1. Oh dear god... I have just re-read this interview and I cannot believe it didn't register with me the first time round. Am I going mad:-/ Have I really read this right - that the book is being made into a movie?!:-o

    Poor Colin... has she got no 'respect' for him, or herself?!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I'm not too worried about the book being made into a movie. The sscript was to be made into a movie too and that's been called off. I think she's embellishing again. Besides, they'd have to decide whether they're going to do the kiss and tell or the mental illness. No matter how she tries the two don't work together. It's like being dumped by Colin is a footnoot if all she is now trying to say is true.


  3. It seems to me that Colin is a popular guy around Hollywood. I can't imagine any A-listers or B-listers taking part in the film (after all, any of them could find themselves in the same situation). So, that leaves the C- and D-listers. Here are my suggestions for casting:
    EF: Lindsay Lohan
    GH: Spencer Pratt
    Psychiatrist: Mel Gibson
    ABC: Heidi Montag
    Pearl (in daydream scene): E*Trade talking baby

  4. Sounds like a box office hit to me! :))

    If Emma Forrest really wanted her book to be seen and regarded as a homage to Dr R then why has she allowed the book to be promoted with so much reference to Colin Farrell? Why have the interviews and extracts she permitted to be released 'primarily' been focused about her relationship with Farrell?

    Why is she now trying deter attention away from the Farrell connection? Is it because she finally see's for herself that if you write about a famous ex-boyfriend in 'so' much detail as she has, then naturally people are going assume that is the real intention of the book.


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